Tongue symptoms of chest paralysis, real pain, and deficient yang

light quality

Main symptoms: chest tightness


Chest tightness, shortness of breath

The tip of the tongue belongs to the heart and lungs, and the depression is Deficiency: fat in the tongue means insufficient yang qi in the heart, spleen and kidney; track=”14″>Slightly greasy fur on the base of the tongue: if the phlegm is full, the waist and knees will be sore and weak, and the sleep will be heavy.

Summary of the license machine

Yang deficiency Unfixed


Returning Yang to save the bad, nourishing Qi and solid removing


< p data-track="20">Sini Jia Dangshen Decoction: Yin Dyeing and Yang Dying and Shengmai San

Red ginseng, Fuzi (first fried), cinnamon, dogwood, keel (fried first), oysters (fried first), Polygonatum japonica, licorice.


7 doses, simmer in water, 1 dose per day


Red Ginseng— – Great tonic for vitality: aconite, cinnamon – warming yang; dogwood, keel, oyster – solid; Polygonatum japonica, licorice – nourishing yin and qi