Tomorrow’s Ching Ming, it’s time to eat vegetables, remember to do these 2 things well to replenish your yang energy

The day before Qingming Festival is the Cold Food Festival. The Cold Food Festival is held on the 105th day after the winter solstice and 1-2 days before the Qingming Festival. In the past, the Cold Food Festival lasted for three days, but it was reduced to one day in modern times.

Cold Food Festival, Why eat “cold food”?

Cold Food Festival is also known as “No Smoking Festival”, “Cold Festival”, ” “Hundred and Five Festivals” is a festival at the beginning of the day, when there is no smoking and only cold food. This is also the only festival named after food customs among the traditional festivals of the Han nationality.

Why at this time, do not fire, eat What about cold food? There is a saying that it is to commemorate the loyal minister Jie Zitui, who forbids fire and cold food on the day of his death to express his condolences.

Another saying is related to nature and health. In the old days, people believed that fire was a living spirit, and there was life, old age, sickness and death. The old fire did not lose heat and breed disease. The cold food cut off the fire for three days is actually to clear the stove, replace the old fire with new fire, and only eat cold food and cakes.

Eat more cold porridge, noodles, pulp, Snake plate rabbit, jujube cake, green rice and glutinous rice, etc.

Slowly, cold and hard food is made by people Eating cold food is no longer a torture, but a pleasure.

Eat a little raw food today , to clear the stomach. Of course, friends with a deficiency of the spleen and stomach need not be rigid, but should still warm it up. Eating cold, vegetarian, and bland food is a kind of maintenance for the body.

Eat something cool to nourish the sun?

In our common sense, we usually eat warm food Yang, why do you want to eat cold? Wouldn’t it hurt the spleen and stomach even more and deplete yang energy? Originally, the yang energy of modern people was consumed by air conditioners, cold drinks, and staying up late.

The ancients said this:< /p>

Compendium of Materia Medica: Spring Food Cool, eat cold in summer to nourish yang. Eat warm in autumn and hot in winter to nourish yin.

The coolness here is not entirely the temperature “Cool” is cool in nature.

Many seasonal vegetables in spring, as well as the most characteristic sprouts Vegetables, such as mung bean sprouts, pea shoots, toon sprouts, shepherd’s purse, asparagus, bitter cabbage, bracken, dandelion, etc. are all cold.

It just so happens that these cool vegetables are the body of spring most needed.


In spring, the body is like a silent winter The land, taking advantage of the spring growth instinct, needs to be loosened, tossed, and transported away the garbage accumulated for the winter.

The body’s excretory channel is in these two places, one is Sweat is excreted from the skin, and one is excreted from the gastrointestinal tract from the stool.

If we are very empty and congested, the garbage will be trapped in the body If it cannot be excreted, the body will have a more obvious reaction.

  • Acne and oily
  • Bad breath
  • constipation, especially bad stools< /li>
  • Oily skin, dull skin
  • flatulence

At the same time, the yang qi that should have gone outward, They are all blocked by garbage in the body, can’t get out, and slowly get angry, there will be more problems

  • Ulcers
  • Toothache
  • Breakout, especially on lips, nose and forehead
  • Migraines near temples
  • Grumpy
  • Hot up and down But it is easy to get cold)

I didn’t pay attention to my diet and life in winter, and I didn’t protect the sun Angry, in the spring, when you have to clean up the garbage, you will be exhausted, and everyone will be angry and angry.

Contaminated by garbage, the fire in the body is not harmful to the body The good yang qi is good, but the righteous qi of our body has to waste a lot of energy and fight with fiery heat, which is wasted in vain.

A good cold dish for spring, clearing heat and toxins, and helping yang< /span>

In general, our fire is not so big, we can use the spring It is enough to eat more seasonal vegetables and sprouts to help the body clean up the stomach and intestines, clear away heat and detoxify.

The “Huangdi Neijing” refers to the sprouting posture, not called “Sprouting” is called “aging”, and germination itself is to disperse the material deposited by the plant. Due to the power of “aging”, bean sprouts unblock themselves, and also unblock us. Eating them is especially beneficial for clearing liver qi, clearing away heat and dampness, and relaxing and moisturizing the skin. Help us move from the state of winter storage to spring birth.

The dishes of sprouts can be: bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, pea sprouts, spring bamboo shoots, loofah tips, as well as toon sprouts, asparagus, blanched cold salad, stir-fried, and those with spleen and stomach deficiency can add ginger or pepper.

Some wild herbs are also good, bitter herbs, dandelions, Shepherd’s purse, bracken.

Friends with spleen and stomach deficiency can also eat a small amount , The more deficient the spleen and stomach are, the easier it is for the body to accumulate garbage and break out acne. It helps the body to clean up the garbage, and the yang energy of the body does not need to focus on cleaning and health, and can be better raised.

It is appropriate to eat cool in spring, and it is really cool The seasonal vegetables are more helpful to clear the internal fire to nourish the yang qi.

In addition to eating something cold, there are also the custom of outing and flying kites during the Cold Food Festival and Qingming Festival. It is also to clear the body heat, especially for people with high pressure and high qi, breathing the freshest air in the world. Oxygen to relieve unpleasant feelings in the heart.

What should I do if I get angry?

Your fire makes you break out acne, bad breath, always hungry< /span>

For those who have become angry, bad breath, and breakouts, it is easy to be hungry Friends, you can eat some kudzu.

Pueraria is sweet, pungent and cool in nature. Returning to the spleen and stomach meridians, it has the functions of relieving muscle and reducing fever, promoting saliva and rash, raising yang and stopping diarrhea.

“Remove muscle” is to “liberate” the skin, allowing The pores of the whole body are opened, and it has the effect of perspiring and diathermy.

When do muscles and skin need to be liberated? Pueraria can raise yang energy, open the channel for skin detoxification, and drive out heat toxins.

Your fire has been Makes you hot and cold, grumpy, unhealthy, loss of appetite and constipation

When the fire and humidity in the body are entangled, it is the damp heat of dystocia. This is more unbearable than mere anger.

In ancient times, the Cold Food Festival and the Qingming Festival were two consecutive festivals with completely different themes. The Cold Food Festival eats cold food to replace the old fire with new fire, which has the meaning of old age. Qingming is both a festival and a solar term.

Today, we clean our intestines and internal organs, clean ourselves, and also For the sake of our ancestors better tomorrow. Every year we eat cold food and we think about clarity. When our thoughts are clearer, we will have sincerity in our hearts and will receive more blessings from our ancestors.

Follow you If you are suffering from health problems, care about your diet and daily life, pay attention to living methods, and send you a fresh healthy dry food every day, we will pursue a better life and health preservation together. Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow!