Tomorrow into Fufu | Dog days, five taboos, don’t let the root of the disease fall!

Take care of the dog days and avoid diseases for a whole year.

The dog days are the hottest seasons of the year. Two words: too hot! The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine says: “The beginning of all diseases must arise from dampness, yin and yang, joy and anger, diet, and residence.”

Attention These five aspects can naturally avoid dampness and diseases, and survive the dog days.


Don’t be greedy, Eliminate dampnessThe theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that “dampness flows through the spleen”. The dog days are hot and rainy, so yang dryness prevails outside and yin dampness lurks inside. The spleen governs the skin, and if the body has a lot of moisture, the skin will react. Young people with acne, middle-aged and old people with spots, children with eczema, prickly heat, etc., are mostly symptoms of moisture accumulation. Therefore, the dog days when the heat is at its peak is a good time to remove dampness and nourish the spleen. The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine says: “Diseases originate from overuse, and it is necessary to prevent heatstroke and take coolness.” Instead, it damages the yang. Turn on the air conditioner overnight, take a shower with cold water, sleep with wet hair after bathing… and so on, all of these will lead to deficiency of qi in the middle, and make the summer dryness and dampness evil take advantage of Enter empty. It is easy to cause swelling of the legs and feet, thrombosis of the lower extremities, and accelerate the aging of the spine.


Avoid sweating, balance Yin and Yang

Although sweat is transformed by body fluid, its nature is also yin.

The theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that “sweat is the fluid of the heart”.

The production of sweat is inseparable from the participation of yang.

That is to say, while sweating, it will lose a lot of yang energy.

Exercise in dog days, it is advisable to sweat a little, and sweat profusely.

The ancients called it “sweating and sweating”, which is to exercise until the clothes are wet, but not soaked, which is most beneficial to the human body.

Profuse sweating can easily damage the heart. Drinking a lot of water after exercise will also burden the heart and kidneys.


Avoid cold, control diet

Qiu Chuji, a well-known health-preserving expert in the Yuan Dynasty, said: “Eat more warm food, not to make you feel full, and take it from time to time. It should be abstained from being fat.”< /p>

In dog days, it is best to eat less greasy food and more light and easy-to-digest food.

The diet should not be too cold, because cold and cold damage the yang qi of the spleen.

In addition, dog days are the most likely to “get sick from the mouth”.

Pay special attention to diet and avoid eating cold and spoiled food.

The Analects of Confucius says: “You don’t eat if you look bad, don’t eat if you smell bad, don’t eat if you lose your job, don’t eat from time to time.”

< p>To eat cold dishes, boil water first, and then use mustard and raw garlic as accessories to kill germs.


span>Don’t be agitated, adjust mood and anger

“Huainanzi” says: “When people are angry, they break the yin; , madness.”

In extreme weather, people’s emotions are prone to greater fluctuations.

Excessive joy and anger will make the blood chaotic and lead to emergencies.

“The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” says: “To keep one’s aspirations free from anger, and to vent one’s anger. This is the answer to summer qi, and the way to maintain health.”

The mood is stable, the mind is relaxed, naturally refreshed, and the body and mind are at ease.

Quiet and recuperate, and help the internal organs to transport and transform, so that external pathogens do not invade, internal diseases do not arise, and disease resistance is naturally enhanced.

In dog days, we must learn to adapt to the heat, so that we can relieve our emotions and prevent pathogens caused by heat.

Adapting the breath and concentrating, the mind is calm and naturally cool, which is very beneficial to physical health.

Excessive mood swings can easily induce arrhythmia, increase blood pressure, and cause stroke.


Avoid moisture, keep dry

The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine states: ” Those who are hurt by dampness, suffer from it first.”

meaning that dampness hurts people, often invading from the bottom up.

The formation of summer dampness is often related to the evaporation of water on the surface, so it is mostly bottom-up when it invades the human body.

No matter how hot the dog days are, don’t let your child run around the house barefoot, let alone play on the cold floor.

In addition, once the air humidity is too high, many germs start to grow.

In summer, the air conditioner is often turned on at home.

In addition to common diseases such as colds and fever, allergic asthma and urticaria may also be caused by poor ventilation.

Therefore, in the dog days, the room must avoid humidity, let the air circulate as much as possible, and keep it dry and refreshing. < /mpprofile>

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