Today’s Health Recipe | This small net red fruit is still a good product for health care! 5 kinds of healthy eating methods are presented!

Chaoshan people not only know how to eat, but also know how to maintain health!

In the past two years, it has been transformed from a popular fruit in Chaoshan area to a “season limited” The net red fruit has become a popular brand of major tea brands. This is the wonderful taste of “five-second sweetness”you citrus!

In fact, not only delicious, but also good health benefits, as early as more than a thousand years ago Discovered and used by Chinese physicians. The peak season of oil oranges is coming soon, how to eat and keep healthy?

Used as a medicine to dissolve phlegm and produce body fluid

Liu Xusheng, director of the Department of Nephrology, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the scientific name of oil mandarin, Emmanuel vulgaris, was actually used by China more than a thousand years ago. Discovered and used by doctors.

It was recorded in “Xinxiu Materia Medica” in the Tang Dynasty Yu Ganzi “mainly wind deficiency heat”.

“Hainan Materia Medica” records that “the main dan stone hurts the lungs, and the upper qi coughs. Long-term use to lighten the body and prolong life.”

“Chinese Medicine Dictionary” records its medicinal value as “relieving phlegm, promoting body fluid, relieving cough, detoxifying, treating cold and fever, cough, sore throat, diphtheria, and dry mouth due to fever”.

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine,oil citrus has the functions of clearing heat and cooling blood, resolving phlegm, promoting fluid and relieving cough, and at the same time for kidney disease patients. It is also a good health food.

Liu Xusheng said that the incidence and aggravation of various kidney diseases and upper respiratory tract infections related. The infection itself will stimulate the inflammatory response in the body and increase the burden on the kidneys, thereby directly increasing the damage to the kidneys, causing symptoms such as hematuria, increased proteinuria, edema, and even increased serum creatinine.

span>Therefore, moderate consumption of tangerine can also have a certain effect on preventing the recurrence and aggravation of kidney disease by controlling throat inflammation.

Immunity enhancement, weight loss and anti-aging

modern Medical research found that citrus fruit contains 12 kinds of vitamins, 16 kinds of trace elements, 18 kinds of amino acids, organic acids, proteins and rich tannins< span>, can help treat indigestion, cough, sore throat, and also help in the prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia, hypertension, fatty liver, diabetes and obesity.

span>At the same time, it also has the ability to enhance human immunity and improve lipid catabolism, which can reduce fat, lose weight, and resist aging. It is known as the “fruit of life”.

5 ​​healthy ways to eat net red fruit span>

How to eat this small fruit with the same origin of medicine and food? The Chaoshan area has explored a variety of eating methods, which are healthy and simple!

However, Liu Xusheng reminded that although oil oranges are good, they are rich in tannins and phenolic acids.Can cause gastrointestinal discomfort in some people, and Stomach pain or even diarrhea, so it is not advisable to eat more.

In addition, this character is cool, stomach weakness and body yang deficiency People also have to stop in moderation.

Chew citrus Method:< /span>Rinse the fresh citrus oil, chew a few pieces, and the throat will feel cool and comfortable. Efficacy: relieves throat pain. Freshly pressed citrus juice span>

Method:350 grams of citrus, washed and smashed with a knife, removed the core and removed the meat, together with 300 grams of green tea , add 800ml pure water, squeeze the juice and filter the residue, then drink. There is no need to add additional sugar to keep the sweet taste and the sweetness lasts for a long time. You can also add some honey to taste. Efficacy:Promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, clearing heat and reducing fire, removing oil and relieving greasy. Korean Tea< span>Method:1 fresh tangerine and 5 phoenix dancong tea leaves gram, put it in a tea cup, add boiling water to brew, and you will get a cup of fragrant oil orange Dancong tea. Efficacy:Refreshing, soothing and soothing throat. Kangaroo TeaMethod:5 ​​grams of dried citrus, 6 of bellflower grams, 3 grams of Scrophulariaceae, 3 grams of licorice. Take it with heated water and drink it instead of tea. Efficacy: Relieves phlegm and lungs, resolves phlegm and relieves cough. Abalone Soup

Practice: This is a traditional Chaozhou dish, 500 grams of pork ribs, washed and cut into pieces, 3 abalones about 300 grams, Break it lightly to make it easier to taste when boiled. Pick up the pork bones, take a casserole, put the pork bones in it, add water to boil for an hour, then add the abalone and oil orange, cook for 10 minutes and turn off the heat, the soup is sweet and tender, very appetizing and delicious.

Effects: Appetizers, spleen, tonic Qi.

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporter Lin Qingqing

Correspondent Jie Xina Song Liping

Photo/Visual China

Editor/Nie Suqin

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