Today’s Health Recipe | No appetite, no energy? Two fast-handed spleen and spleen diet recipes, the baby can also eat

The air humidity is high during the Grain Rain season, and dampness is most likely to invade the spleen, which is easy to cause the spleen Lack of health, spleen and stomach disharmony. Chen Wenli, Director of Pediatrics, Chief Chinese Medicine Physician, and Master Supervisor of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, suggested that the diet should be eaten more Products for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, such as yam, red bean, coix seed, lentils, carp, crucian carp, etc. Today, we recommend a soup and a porridge, which can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness and are delicious! Red Bean and Crucian Carp Winter Melon Soup


30 grams of red bean, 15 grams of lentils, 15 grams of coix seed, 100 grams of wax gourd, 1 crucian carp, 50 grams of ginger Fry in the pot until both sides are slightly yellow and fragrant, then add washed red bean, ginger and diced winter melon, add 5 bowls of water and cook until 2 bowls, drink soup. 【Benefits】This soup has the effect of dampness. [Suitable for people]People with heavy dampness and spleen deficiency, if the baby has hand, foot and mouth disease, herpetic pharyngeal Angina can also be drunk.

Ganshi Huaishan Porridge

strong<600]"> 30 grams of Gorgon, 30 grams of Chinese yam, 200 grams of barley, and 50 grams of rice. 【Method】Wash the above ingredients, add 8 bowls of water and boil until the rice is cooked and porridge is formed. [Function]Invigorating Qi, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. [Suitable for people]People with loss of appetite, abdominal distension, frequent urination at night, and babies with spleen deficiency can also drink.

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporter Chen Hui Correspondent Wang Jian

Picture/Visual China

Editor/Nie Suqin

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