Today’s Health Recipe | In addition to improving eyesight, this red fruit has many functions

Many people know that wolfberry improves eyesight, but often forget that it has another important effect , is to nourish the liver and kidney.

For those with insufficient liver and kidneys, you can grab the tail of spring and try this red with many benefits. fruit.

Nourishes Liver and Kidney strong>

Lycium barbarum can be used to treat various diseases caused by deficiency of liver and kidney yin and deficiency of essence and blood. “Ben Cao Jing Shu” called it: “the essential medicine for insufficiency of liver and kidney true yin, fatigue and internal heat tonic”;

Indication of liver and kidney yin deficiency, waist and knee pain caused by deficiency of essence and blood, dizziness, tinnitus, impotence and seminal emission, internal heat and thirst, blood deficiency and chlorosis, dizziness and blurred vision.

Better Eyesight strong>

Wolfberry is curable The eyes are dim or cloudy. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the eyes are outside the liver, and the liver opens its orifices in the eyes, where the blood resides. , or fly black flowers, wolfberry fruit is through nourishing the essence and blood of the liver to achieve the effect of eyesight.

improves immunity

Modern research shows that < span>Lycium barbarum can significantly improve the non-specific immune function of the body, Lycium barbarum polysaccharide can improve the phagocytic ability of macrophages, and decoction can significantly increase the plaque-forming cells The amount of lycium barbarum has a regulating effect on both cellular immune function and humoral immune function; , anti-tumor, anti-mutagenic, anti-radiation, hypotensive effect; Strong antibacterial effect.

Professor Huang Suiping, a famous Chinese traditional Chinese medicine practitioner in Guangdong Province and the academic leader of the Spleen and Stomach Department of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, recommends a American Ginseng Gemini Tea to everyone. American Ginseng Twin Tea


5 ​​grams of American ginseng, 3 grams of Schisandra, 5 grams of wolfberry (1 serving)


Boiled water to brew tea instead

Suitable for:

Office workers who often stay up late often suffer from dry mouth, dry eyes, sore waist and knees, poor sleep, and red tongue coating Few patients with liver and kidney yin deficiency.

Text/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Lin Qingqing< /p>

Correspondent Song Liping

Photo/Visual China

Editor/Nie Suqin

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