Today’s Health Recipe | High temperature and rainy beware of heat and cold! This bowl of soup will help you

Recently, the weather in Guangzhou has been hot and rainy. It is hot at noon and cool in the morning and evening. Due to the large temperature changes, wind-heat colds have become very common.

It is mainly caused by blowing air after sweating profusely. At this time, the skin is loose and the wind evil is easy to take advantage of. , The symptoms of heat cold include fever, not afraid of cold, headache, sore throat, yellowish tongue coating, etc., the treatment method should be mainly acrid and cool.

Li Xin, a Chinese pharmacist in the Department of Pharmacy, Guangzhou First People’s Hospital, recommends a recipe< strong>mulberry leaf chrysanthemum lean meat soup, can prevent wind-heat colds and resist summer heat and cold.

It needs to be reminded that this medicinal diet is suitable for colds, headaches, dizziness, redness caused by wind and heat It is also suitable for people with high blood pressure and high blood lipids to drink.

The whole soup is cold in nature and should not be consumed by people with a cold constitution or a common cold.

Lean meat soup with mulberry leaves and chrysanthemum

>Ingredients (for 2-3 people): 250 grams of fresh mulberry leaves, 10 grams of chrysanthemum, 300 grams of lean meat, and 3 slices of ginger. Methods:Wash the ingredients first, pick the tender leaves from fresh mulberry leaves, slice the lean meat; Add an appropriate amount of water to boil, add all the ingredients, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to medium heat and cook for 10 minutes, seasoning before serving. Efficacy:Remove wind and heat, calm liver and improve eyesight.

Text/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhang Hua

Correspondent Wei Xing< span>

Picture/Visual China

Editor/Nie Suqin

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