Today’s Guyu: Tempered, eat this “diamond in the grass”! Strengthen the spleen and nourish the blood, eat more in spring, and reduce illness in a year

Grain rain, as one of the 24 solar terms in my country, is not only a good time for planting after the temperature warms up, but also a good opportunity to use diet to recuperate the body. The so-called Grain Rain refers to the solar term when the sun reaches 30° ecliptic longitude on April 20 every year. It is the last solar term in spring.

During the Grain Rain season, the temperature gradually rises, and motivation and temperament are in a period of exuberance.In addition to the rain, the grains are generated according to ” The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine states that during the Grain Rain period, the focus should beto nourish the liver and kidney, strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, and avoid deep-frying and spicy.

The Grain Rain is here, and with the fine spring rain falling on the earth, the wormwood also makes a grand debut like a night rain and spring chives, pulling out new shoots from the soil, The rustling green-dyed fields.

Artemisia wormwood is also called mugwort, white wormwood and sweet mugwort. It has the title of “diamond in grass” and has a long history of edible and medicinal use in my country. Artemisia wormwood has a very close relationship with the life of the Chinese people. There has always been a saying in the folk that “three years of wormwood in the home, the husband does not need to come”.

In China, many areas have the habit of eating wormwood. At this time, the wormwood is the most fresh and tender. When you eat fresh wormwood, you can not only taste the taste of spring, but also Very good health effect~

Small wormwood, big effect

Artemisia“Pure Sun Grass” , is a kind of medicine and food ingredients, which can treat long-term diarrhea caused by deficiency of the spleen and stomach, treat yin deficiency and fear of cold, and treat acute redness, swelling, heat and pain.

As the saying goes, “Eat mugwort during the Qingming Festival, there will be no disaster and no disaster”. All cold and dampness, moxibustion can cure hundreds of diseases.”

Orally taken, it can warm the meridians and dispel cold, support righteousness, strengthen the spleen and remove dampness. The tender leaves of wormwood before and after the Qingming Festival have weak Wentong power, which is suitable for internal conditioning, and is suitable for people with deficient constitution. In the daily diet, adding mugwort leaves gives the food a unique aroma. Commonly there are mugwort, mugwort, mugwort fried eggs, these foods are not only delicious, but also nourishing.

Medicinal, wormwood can regulate qi and blood, resolve phlegm and dampness , Warming and hemostasis, And mugwort leaves can be soaked in water, fumigated to achieve the effect of disinfection and itching, and mothers can also use mugwort to bathe Or fumigation to ward off evil spirits and eliminate summer heat.

wormwood can be eaten like this

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< span>Boiled eggs with wormwood to repel cold and dehumidify

[Ingredients]: ginger, wormwood, some eggs, hawthorn, appropriate amount of salt

[ Practice ]:

Boiled eggs, knock the surface of the eggshell When the cracks come out, add mugwort leaves, ginger slices, hawthorn and some salt to boil. After 10-15 minutes, add the boiled eggs and cook for another 10-20 minutes. The color of the boiled egg shells will become darker.

[Efficacy]: Artemisia argyi is warm in nature, can clear the meridians, dispel dampness and dispel cold, and warm ginger Stomach expelling cold, hawthorn digestion, so boiled eggs have the effect of warming yang, removing dampness and strengthening stomach.

if already present The symptoms of yang deficiency, cold and dampness are very suitable for eating this egg to assist in conditioning. This therapeutic recipe is like a tea egg, so it can be eaten for a long time.

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Qingtuan with stuffing to nourish the spleen and stomach

[Material ]: Ai Ye , water milled glutinous rice flour, water milled glutinous rice flour, sesame powder, white sugar, pork filling, salted egg yolk, red bean paste and other fillings you like.

[ Practice ]:

1. Boil a pot of water, Add a spoonful of baking soda, add the washed mugwort leaves after the water boils, boil and drain, squeeze out the water, mix it with glutinous rice flour and sticky rice flour, heat the water and mix the noodles.

2. Will prepare Good stuffing, wrap it in the dough, when the green dough is wrapped, put it in the pot and steam it for about 10 minutes.

[Efficacy]: Ai Ye can warm the middle and invigorate the yang qi, dispel the evil of yin and cold; glutinous rice flour has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing qi and nourishing blood, and the sesame in the filling can tonify the liver and kidney, benefit Essence and blood, moisten the intestines and dryness.

Today’s Grain Rain, bad temper Wang, it is suitable for eating wormwood. Let’s try the recipes shared above and make them at home. It has a lot of effects and is good for the body~