To provide continuous reference for healthy consumption, the first quarter of 2022 residents’ health consumption index will be released

The first quarter 2022 resident health consumption index report based on big data research was officially released.

On May 25, 8:00 Jianwen, Huatai Securities and the Institute of Health Communication of Fudan University jointly held the “Industrial Opportunities Behind the Big Data of Health Consumption and the 2022 Q1 Residents’ Health Consumption Index Report” “Online Conference”. A number of guests from medical companies, research institutions and securities companies discussed and shared their views on topics such as health consumption trends, indices and industry interaction.

In this event, the Residents’ Health Consumption Index Report for the first quarter of 2022 based on big data research was officially released. The Resident Health Consumption Index, jointly developed by Badian Jianwen and the Institute of Health Communication of Fudan University with the support of Huatai Securities, aims to use consumption big data to measure the impact of residents’ consumption habits on health in different regions, and provide information for the development of the big health industry. Useful reference. In the process of compiling the index, it was also supported by consumption data from Consumer and Industrial Development Research Institute.

Compared with the 2021 Resident Health Consumption Index, which was first released in March this year, the overall level of the resident health consumption index in the first quarter of 2022 has improved. According to the analysis of the report, in addition to the factors of the Lunar New Year, the national new crown epidemic prevention and control made phased progress in the first quarter, which also led to a steady increase in residents’ income and continuous release of consumer demand. On the other hand, during the epidemic, consumers paid more attention to their health status, and the search volume and purchase volume of health products increased significantly.

In terms of ranking, the Shanghai residents’ health consumption index continues to rank first among 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) (same as in 2021), and the second to tenth places are Beijing, Shandong, Henan, Zhejiang, Qinghai, Tianjin, Gansu, Chongqing and Jiangsu. Among them, Henan, Qinghai, Gansu and Chongqing entered the top ten for the first time in the resident health consumption index in the first quarter of this year. The resident health consumption index ranking in Henan Province rose the fastest, rising from the 22nd place last year to the 4th place.

In response to the fluctuations in the regional rankings, the report analysis believes that the first quarter includes the Spring Festival holiday, and some residents in the central and western regions who work in the developed eastern regions return to their hometowns for the holidays, making the original consumption structure between regions and the difference between them. Temporary changes in the distribution of the health consumption index. At the same time, since 2022, the new crown epidemic in some parts of my country has spread in many places. Affected by the epidemic, the degree of recovery of the consumer market in different places is different, and the ranking distribution of the residents’ health consumption index has also shifted in some areas.

Dr. Chen Qin, Chief Economist of Pulse Technology, who participated in the index compilation, said that the Resident Health Consumption Index is a beneficial attempt to make use of health data. Compared with the traditional method of offline sampling survey, the health consumption index based on big data has a shorter cycle and more complete data, and can more realistically map the health behavior of ordinary people. Advantage. It is believed that with the further optimization of the measurement system, this index will become an important basis for decision-making by relevant national departments and market entities in the field of general health.

Liu Hui, Dean of Consumer and Industrial Development Research Institute, who provided data support for the index compilation, believes that the system of the residents’ health consumption index is very sophisticated. The in-depth integration of trends has greatly improved the reliability, authenticity and availability of data. Through these data, we can not only see the health level of different regions and groups, but also judge their health awareness, which is very forward-looking and predictable.

When talking about the corresponding relationship between the residents’ health consumption index and industrial development, Dr. Dai Wen, chief researcher of the pharmaceutical industry of Huatai Securities Research Institute, said that the index is not only a true reflection of the current situation, but also a reminder of follow-up opportunities for development. Taking this year’s epidemic as an example, whether in terms of indices or real market changes, consumption hotspots are evolving from the most basic material life guarantees to higher-level health needs, such as household medical equipment, health care products, etc. , are areas worthy of attention in the second half of the year.

Xu Chen, co-founder and co-CEO of Gulian Medical Group, said that his rehabilitation medical service field is in a strong upward channel in recent years, and the positive trend of the index has made the He is full of confidence in the future of the big health industry.

In the existing calculation system, the residents’ health consumption index includes more than 200 commodities that reflect residents’ dietary intake, physical activity, smoking and drinking behavior. Wang Dongyuan, president of the EMBA Medical and Health Industry Association of Renmin University of China, believes that the residents’ health consumption index has built a very scientific basic model. The development of the field plays a central driving role.

Source: Eight Points News

Editor in charge: Yan Xiaoliu

Proofreading: Zang Hengjia