To promote the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, Badong launched the “Traditional Chinese Medicine Grassroots Tour” activity

Site of free clinic activities

News from this website (correspondent Song Xingshi, reporter Que Jinwei) On March 17th, the launching ceremony of “Traditional Chinese Medicine Grassroots Practice” in Badong County The cum free clinic mission was held in Zhoujiaping Village, Chadianzi Town.

This event is sponsored by the County Health Bureau, undertaken by the County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and co-organized by the Central Health Center of Chadianzi Town. The unique method and good curative effect enable the masses to understand traditional Chinese medicine, and allow traditional Chinese medicine to enter rural areas, communities and families more widely to serve the maintenance of people’s health.

In recent years, the traditional Chinese medicine business in Badong has been developing continuously and healthily, showing a good situation of continuous improvement of institutions, continuous enhancement of talent team, and continuous improvement of service capabilities, which has effectively promoted the construction of “Healthy Badong”.

After the launching ceremony, the county traditional Chinese medicine hospital organized medical staff to carry out free diagnosis and education activities, and conducted routine examinations such as electrocardiogram, B-ultrasound, blood sugar, blood pressure, etc. for local villagers for free. After listening to the patient’s description of the condition, the experts at the consultation window will issue a prescription according to the actual situation, and perform acupuncture, massage, moxibustion and other treatments for the patient.

Medical staff instructed patients to take medicine as prescribed

On the same day, the county traditional Chinese medicine hospital distributed gout and More than 300 pieces of popular science propaganda materials such as hyperuricemia, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc., have been popularized to villagers about daily health care, chronic disease prevention and control, and prevention and control, and various drugs worth more than 5,000 yuan have been distributed. At the same time, the Central Health Center of Chadianzi Town also carried out family doctor contract signing and public health service activities.

The relevant person in charge of the County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital said that in the next step, experts from various departments of the hospital will be organized to continue to go to the grassroots level to preach health knowledge, so that more people can enjoy high-quality medical services at their doorstep, and further promote traditional Chinese medicine. culture, and contribute to the construction of “Healthy Padang”.

Duty editor: Zhao Wanjun Responsible editor: Yan Yuling Proofreader: Li Jinming