To prevent cerebral infarction in the elderly, it is very important to supplement folic acid. How to supplement it correctly? Suggestion: keep 3 points in mind

Introduction: We are all familiar with folic acid, it is a member of the B vitamin family , is a water-soluble vitamin.

Folic acid needs exogenous supplementation, and our body cannot synthesize it by itself. Speaking of folic acid Perhaps everyone will think that this is a nutrient that pregnant women and women planning to become pregnant need to supplement.Folic acid supplementation for pregnant women and women planning to become pregnant can promote the health of pregnant women and fetuses, and can also prevent fetal malformations.

Folic acid supplementation for pregnant women mainly has two purposes, one is that folic acid deficiency during the peri-conception period will significantly increase the number of newborns The risk of neural tube defects in children.During embryonic development, failure to close the neural tube can easily lead to defects in the central nervous system.

Additionally,folate promotes red blood cell maturation< /span>, the lack of ortho acid will reduce the maturity of red blood cells, resulting in the inability of red blood cells to transport oxygen, which will easily lead to megaloblastic anemia in pregnant women.

Folic acid actually has irreplaceable effects for pregnant women, It is also effective in preventing cerebral infarction in the elderly.


What kind of disease is cerebral infarction?

Cerebral infarction is actually obstruction followed by necrosis, is a disease of cerebral vascular blockage, leading to cerebral ischemia and hypoxia and necrosis.Also known as stroke, cerebral infarction, cerebral thrombosis, etc.

Cerebral infarction is a brain problem that often occurs suddenly and is a cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. One of these diseases has a high incidence rate among middle-aged and elderly people, and it is not only prone to recurrence, but also prone to high mortality.

Even after treatment and discharge, cerebral infarction Patients often remain disabled and require long-term rehabilitation.

There are many risk factors for cerebral infarction, such as advanced age, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, etc., which are all common risk factors for cerebral infarction.


If I have a cerebral infarction, what are the symptoms?

The brain is our body“command ”, which controls all the activities of the body, so the infarct area is different in different areas, and the symptoms brought to the body are also different.

If you or a family member experience any of the following symptoms, It is very likely that a cerebral infarction has occurred, and you must seek medical attention immediately:

  1. Coughing while swallowing;
  2. Disorders of hemi-limb movement;
  3. Paresthesia in hemilateral limbs, such as frequent numbness, etc.;
  4. Suddenly unable to speak, or illiterate or read;
  5. hemilateral visual impairment;
  6. walking Unsteady or always appear dizzy, coma problems.

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Folic acid supplementation is very important to prevent cerebral infarction in the elderly

Folic acid supplementation can well prevent the occurrence of cerebral infarction, and folic acid can also be said to be the “care worker” of cerebral infarction.

Folic acid is the “repairer” of blood vessels

Folic acid is an essential vitamin for the body and an important substance for the formation of peroxidase, which is essential for the mitochondrial membrane And the oxidativedamage of the cell membrane has a very good protective effect.

Elevated levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood stimulate the walls of blood vessels to bring arteries Blood vessel damage, and folic acid can help reduce the level of homocysteine, which can indirectly inhibit blood vessel damage.

In this way, folic acid can protect blood vessels, and can also prevent cerebral infarction. The effectis like a “maintenance man” for blood vessels.

Folic acid is a “dredger” of blood vessels

With the continuous growth of age, the blood vessels of the elderly will also experience some aging, and the vascular intima naturally falls off and accumulates on the blood vessel wall< /span>It will easily lead to the problem of blood vessel blockage.

Folic acid supplementation can promote vascular dredging, which is equivalent to being a “dredger” of blood vessels , help prevent the blockage of blood vessels, which can lead to the prevention of cerebral infarction.

In fact, as early as 2000, relevant studies have shown that cerebral infarction and serum folic acid levels A large number of data studies have proved that the serum folic acid concentration in patients with cerebral infarction is lower than that in healthy people, which like Reversely, the decrease of serum folic acid concentration can induce cerebral infarction.

Such a conclusion has also been proved by research and published in 2000” Published in the Journal of Brain and Neurological Diseases, the relationship between the occurrence of cerebral infarction and the level of folic acid has been confirmed more than ten years ago, And researchers have discovered other effects of folic acid as early as the last century.


Folic acid deficiency in older adults, what happens?

Folic acid deficiency predisposes to megaloblastic anemia< /strong>, and the reduction of whole blood cells, at this time, people are prone to dizziness, fatigue, pale complexion, and always fatigue.

Folic acid deficiency can also lead toanorexia, depression, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, and cognition Neurological symptoms such as decreased ability.

Folic acid deficiency can also cause oral Ulcers, cheilitis, angular stomatitis and glossitis problems, the tongue surface is found to be red and smooth, and self-perceived pain.


How to supplement folic acid correctly? Recommendation: Keep 3 Points in Mind

Clarify when folic acid supplementation is needed span>

serum/erythrocyte folate and plasma homocysteine ​​levels are an important measure of parity folate status As an indicator, you can see if you need folic acid supplementation based on the level of homocysteine ​​in your blood.

relevant guidelines state that, homocysteine ​​≥ 15umol /L, need to supplement folic acid at this time.

How to supplement folic acid

For folic acid supplementation, it is not necessarily necessary to supplement with medicines or dietary supplements, especially for some people who are sensitive to Those who have no obstacle to the absorption and metabolism of folic acid.

If you can have a balanced and nutritious meal in your daily life< span>, there is nothing wrong with supplying enough folic acid to the body through reasonable dietary behavior.

You can find green leafy vegetables, seafood, Folic acid is supplemented in fruits, beans and grains, a balanced diet, and eating more fresh fruits and vegetables can supplement the body with folic acid.

Awareness of the side effects of excessive folic acid supplementation

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that is excreted in the urine every day, and the side effects are relatively small, taking too much folic acid will interfere Metabolism and absorption of zinc in the human body, resulting in zinc deficiency in the human body. Occasional overdose is generally not harmful to health.

However, for the elderly, folic acid supplementation still needs to be cautious. Experts suggest that unless it is very Elderly people with a clear diagnosis of malabsorption, otherwise it is not recommended that the elderly take folic acid regularly for prevention or treatment.


The more folic acid the better?

Many people think that folic acid is so good, the more supplements, the better, but But in fact, it’s not.

In fact, for our body, the more folic acid supplements Too much, but not good for your health.

Too much folic acid can easily mask a lack of vitamin B12 and a lack of vitamin B12 can easily lead to anemia Problems arise, so too much folic acid can easily lead to other problems.

Conclusion: In our current life, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems such as cerebral infarction are not rare, especially since our country has entered the age of aging, although the old The aging of blood vessels will easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, so measures to prevent cerebral infarction to prevent its occurrence can be more conducive to physical health.