To distinguish between bronchitis and a cold, judging from these 3 points, avoid falling into 4 misunderstandings, need to understand

Bronchiolitis and colds are diseases that have plagued us for a long time.And in the seasons alternating between winter and spring, it is not only a season that is prone to bronchitis , is also the season when people are prone to colds, their common symptoms and cough often come unexpectedly, but it is difficult for people to think about coughing in terms of bronchitis. I just thought I might have the flu.

Because colds and bronchitis are common diseases in our lives, colds and bronchitis have many common symptoms, so It is easy for many people to confuse the two. In fact, the symptoms of colds and bronchitis are very different.

Cough is a common symptom of colds and bronchitis, so many people don’t know what a cold is , what is bronchitis, What other symptoms can be used to distinguish a cold from bronchitis?

1. How should we distinguish bronchitis from a cold

1, Different manifestations and time of cough

Cough in bronchitis is caused by inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, bronchitis The resulting cough is not only phlegm, but also bloodshot. It is well known that bronchitis is divided into two types, acute and chronic, and the symptoms of the two are different.

Cough symptoms of the first acute bronchitis are more frequent in the early stage or in the middle of the night , especially after being caught cold or suddenly inhaling cold air, can make the cough worse. A persistent, severe cough, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain.

Cough of the second type of chronic bronchitis is more frequent, the mild cases only develop in winter and spring , Severely ill patients will cough and expectorate throughout the year. Although the onset of this disease is slow, the course of the disease is long, and the disease lasts for 3 months or even longer each year.

Many coughs caused by colds are usually dry and without phlegm, but colds may present with fever or other clinical symptoms Symptoms, such as: general weakness, general weakness, dizziness, not eating and other symptoms. These symptoms are common symptoms of colds in our daily life, so it will be easier for us to understand.

Cough times vary between colds and bronchitis, people with colds have mild coughs Generally, the cough will improve after taking the medicine, but people with bronchitis tend to have a heavier cough in the morning and early morning, and less cough at noon and afternoon. Therefore, we can sometimes effectively identify whether we have bronchitis or a cold based on the symptom of cough.

2. Throat abnormalities are different

Colds can be an acute upper respiratory infection caused by a virus, so people often experience a sore throat and tonsils after a cold Inflammation, accompanied by fever, fatigue, nasal congestion, and runny nose. But patients with bronchitis do not have these symptoms.

3. Fever

Fever is of great value in judging whether you have a new crown, and fever is also of great value in judging whether you have bronchitis or a cold. For our common cold and fever, most of them are caused by viral infection.

Untreated colds often cause fever or even a fever, but bronchitis does not Can cause fever. I believe that everyone who has seen this should have a certain understanding of how to distinguish the symptoms of colds and bronchitis.

Although colds are not a big problem compared to bronchitis, colds should also be taken seriously. According to clinical data, many patients suffering from bronchitis are caused by the lack of attention and poor treatment due to the cold, which leads to bronchitis over time.

Although the symptoms of colds and bronchitis may seem similar, after careful analysis and research,we also found The above can be used to distinguish three situations. Seeing this, I think everyone should have a certain understanding and mastery of how to distinguish bronchitis from a cold.

If you still can’t tell the difference between bronchitis and a cold, and feel unwell, < span>Then you should go to the hospital in time, ask the doctor to judge according to your own situation, and make preparations in time.

Two, try to avoid falling into the following 4 major mistakes.

1. Abuse of antibiotics, thinking the more antibiotics the better

Because With the rapid development of the economy, people’s material living standards are also constantly improving, and people’s requirements for health are getting higher and higher, which has also led to people’s sincere love for antibiotics. At this time, people began to buy antibiotics frantically. This eventually led to the misuse of antibiotics. However, the abuse of antibiotics will not only not be beneficial to itself, but will also cause a lot of harm.

2. Blind medication

< span>There are often some patients with chronic bronchitis who have been sick for a long time, so they never go to the hospital for examination, but go directly to buy medicine, which leads to a sharp deterioration of the condition. Bronchiitis can be divided into three stages: acute attack stage, delayed stage and clinical remission stage.

The symptoms of bronchitis are different in different stages, so the treatment methods are also very different. Therefore, we should not decide whether to go to the hospital because of the length of time we have suffered from bronchitis, but should actively go to the hospital to check and buy medicines.

Abusing drugs can cause many harms such as: ineffective treatment, delaying the disease; killing normal bacteria Over-treatment can easily lead to fungal infections, etc.; Irregular drug use will lead to the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria, and the effect of drugs will decrease or be ineffective; therefore, we should actively accept treatment and go to regular hospitals to buy drugs and follow the doctor’s advice.

3. Blindly think that the infusion will be effective

A considerable number of people think that infusion can quickly improve their condition, and it is relatively convenient and fast, so they blindly ask doctors to infuse infusion, so that the disease can be relieved immediately. However, the actual treatment effect is not very satisfactory, and it is very likely to develop drug resistance.

So for infusion, we should maintain a rational attitude and treat infusion correctly strong>. Because the infusion only relieves your symptoms, it cannot fundamentally solve the problem, and even makes you resistant to it.

4. Increase the dosage without authorization

We talked about the reasons and harms of blind drug use, but Undoubtedly increasing the use of drugs without authorization also has serious harm to blind drug use. So for us, no matter how serious the bronchitis is, we should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions to take regular and quantitative medication Increase the dose of medication. If our symptoms still do not improve after a week of medication, but instead tend to become more serious, please seek medical attention in time.

III. People susceptible to colds and bronchitis

Susceptible groups of colds mainly include: people with poor immunity and poor physique, such as long-term bed rest, malnourished people, or children, the elderly and so on. Therefore, for us, we should pay attention to strengthening our immunity, and we should pay attention to exercising more in peacetime to enhance our physique.

Cold-susceptible groups also include: those who cannot change clothes in a timely manner, those who like to eat foods with a high content of “three highs” Food and salty food lovers, those who are usually nervous. They are all susceptible to colds. Therefore, if you are a susceptible group, you must actively develop a next-step prevention plan for yourself.

The occurrence of bronchitis can be affected by many aspects, and it is also closely related to the way of life of each of us. Surveys show that people with poor nutritional conditions are more likely to suffer from bronchitis than normal people, because when the protein content in the human blood is low, the immune system of the human body will be lowered and the body will be more susceptible to bronchitis. Bronchitis

According to the National Census of Chronic Bronchitis, the prevalence of bronchitis will continue to increase with age. Also, when people live in crowded places, with poor heating conditions in winter, and residents with less ventilation, the risk of bronchitis is also higher. So everyone must develop a good lifestyle,

4. How to prevent and treat colds and bronchitis as early as possible

How should we prevent colds? First, colds are respiratory infections, Therefore, we should pay attention to keeping a relative distance from patients with respiratory tract infections to avoid infection. Second, we must develop healthy living habits.

Good habits we can do:Wash your hands frequently , Drink plenty of water, maintain nasal hygiene, and avoid touching the mouth, eyes and nose with dirty hands. Avoid cold, rain and overwork. Eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, exercise more, and improve your physique. Secondly, more attention should be paid to personal protection for the elderly and vulnerable.

Sometimes even if we take precautions, we will still be exploited by the virus, so what should we do when we catch a cold, < strong>First of all, we should pay attention to proper rest, bed rest is recommended for patients with fever, severe illness, or the elderly and infirm. At the same time, we should quit smoking, drink more water, eat a light diet, and maintain nasal, pharyngeal and oral hygiene.

Secondly, due to our large individual differences, there is no absolute best, fastest, and most effective drug treatment. Of course, In addition to commonly used over-the-counter drugs, others should be fully combined with individual circumstances under the guidance of a doctor to choose the most appropriate drug for treatment.

For colds that have very similar symptoms to bronchitis, we have the above prevention and treatment methods, then bronchitis also has its own prevention and treatment methods. Below I will discuss with Let’s talk about it in detail.

The prevention of bronchitis should first prevent colds , it is well known that catching a cold is the most common cause of bronchitis.We all know that smoking is harmful to health, but there are still many people who know that smoking is harmful If you are healthy, you can’t help but want to take two puffs. Maybe you don’t know that these two puffs may be the culprit that makes you suffer from bronchitis. Therefore, we should pay attention to quitting smoking to prevent bronchitis and avoid the damage to the bronchial mucosa caused by long-term smoking. Causes bronchitis.

So what should people who are already bronchitis patients do to relieve their condition,< strong>For the treatment of general bronchitis patients, symptomatic treatment methods are generally used, that is, cough, phlegm, asthma, etc., so as to relieve and relieve their condition

We all know that patients with bronchitis are divided into acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis.Then we will have different treatment methods for these two kinds of patients, and there are differences in their treatment. Infection, antitussive, expectorant, and asthma treatment are the main treatments.

Then most patients with acute bronchitis do not need antibiotics for treatment< span>, especially for patients with no clear pathogen, antibacterial drugs should not be used routinely. Penicillin-type drugs can be used when we have evidence of bacterial infection. In conclusion, no matter we are in the period of bronchitis, we must follow the doctor’s advice!


Bronchiolitis and colds are both common diseases in our daily life.If we can’t treat them in time, it will cause more common diseases. Like what we call a cold today, if it is not treated in time, it may cause us to suffer from bronchitis. For bronchitis, although it does not cause fever, if it is not treated in time, it may lead to pneumonia.

Although we know three major ways to distinguish bronchitis from a cold: 1. The manifestation and time of cough are different 2. The abnormality of the throat is different 3. whether you have a fever. Even though we know the three major differences between bronchitis and a cold, we can’t take it lightly. Because even if we distinguish, but we can’t distinguish these four kinds of misunderstandings. So this requires us to go to the hospital in time if there is something we don’t know, and follow the doctor’s advice.