Tiny folliculitis can be deadly

“Mr Shen Du, there are pimples hidden in my hair, so it’s folliculitis?”

“Mr Shen Du, I have small pimples on my arms, it’s embarrassing to wear a skirt, it’s folliculitis What is folliculitis?”

What is folliculitis? Why do you get pimples? Can folliculitis be cured?

Is this still a problem if you have a deep reading gentleman? “Folliculitis Topic”, let’s take a look at the annoying little goblin of folliculitis.

What is folliculitis?

Medical books say that folliculitis is inflammation of the hair follicle caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, drugs and other factors.

Folliculitis is a general term for a class of diseases, which can be divided into infectious folliculitis and non-infectious folliculitis according to the etiology.

Infectious folliculitis includes bacterial folliculitis, fungal folliculitis, viral folliculitis, etc.

The incidence of folliculitis is high, with bacterial folliculitis being the most common, and it can occur in people of any age.

What are the symptoms of folliculitis?

“Several small bumps on my arms and itching.”

The early appearance of folliculitis is red Papules, about 2~5mm in diameter, with hair follicles as the center, with redness at the edges.

Papules appear as single, multiple, or clustered papules and may be associated with itching, tenderness or pain.

“The small pimple on the arm turned into a small pustule, which broke when touched.”

As the disease progressed, After about a few days, the papules develop into pustules.

A pustule contains white or yellowish-white pus that bursts with pus or pus and blood. Yellow scab is formed when it dries up or ruptures, and usually leaves no scar after the yellow scab falls off.

What are the dangers of folliculitis?

“There is a boil on the chin, which is red and swollen, and when touched, it hurts to the point of flying.”

Inflammation involving deep hair follicles and surrounding tissues, medical book It’s called a boil.

Boils are most common on the face, neck, back and butt and are usually single.

Boils appear early as red papules centered on the hair follicle.

As the inflammation spreads around, the papules become firm in texture, with redness, localized heat, and pain.

After a few days, the center of the boil softened and a yellow-white pus plug appeared on the top. After the pus plug fell off, pus and blood and necrotic tissue were discharged.

After a few days, the inflammation gradually subsided and the skin lesions healed without scarring.

“A bag the size of a quail egg bulges on my back, it hurts!”

If Multiple boils are grouped together, and the inflammation spreads to the subcutaneous tissue, which is called carbuncles in medical books.

Carbuncles occur on the neck, back, buttocks and thighs.

Carbuncle Early manifestations are diffuse inflammatory lumps with a tense and shiny surface, accompanied by redness, localized fever and pain.

As the disease progresses, multiple pus emboli appear in the center of the carbuncle, gradually suppuration, softening, and necrosis< /strong>.

After the pus plug falls off, multiple ulcers are left on the skin surface, with a honeycomb appearance, causing severe pain and tenderness.

If left untreated, it may causeSystemic poisoning symptoms, and even septicemia, which is life-threatening.

Can folliculitis be cured?

Folliculitis is treatable.

When the number of inflamed hair follicles is small and the symptoms are mild, you only need to pay attention to cleaning the skin surface, and it will usually subside on its own.

Most boils break and heal on their own and usually do not require additional treatment.

Severely ill boils and early carbuncles can be externally applied to accelerate the resolution of inflammation.

Faced with advanced carbuncles that have suppuration and skin surface ulcers, be sure to go to a regular hospital for treatment and undergo surgical treatment , cut the surface of the carbuncle to drain the pus.

“Shen Du Jun, what is the hair follicle? Why does it become inflamed?”

“Shen Du Jun, why? Inflammation of the hair follicles can cause boils and carbuncles?”

Where are the hair follicles? Why does a good hair follicle become inflamed?

The next episode, Deep Reader, will take you into the hair follicle together, and take you to understand the disaster scene of hair follicle inflammation, abscess, and ulceration.