Timely life

Experts explaining: Peng Kang

Vice President of Southern Medical University Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine and academic leader of the Center for Pre-treatment. Professor (Chinese Pharmacy), Chief Physician (Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine), Doctor of Medicine, Doctoral Supervisor, the sixth batch of National Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Instructor, Lingnan Famous Doctor, Yangcheng Good Doctor. He is the vice chairman of the Chinese Medicine Dispensing Professional Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, the vice chairman of the Chronic Disease Management Branch of the China Traditional Chinese Medicine Information Society, and the vice chairman of the Chinese Medicine Dispensing and Monitoring Branch of the China Traditional Chinese Medicine Information Society.


Lixia is the first solar term in summer, marking the peak season for all things to grow Stage, the handover time is from May 5th to 7th of the Gregorian calendar every year. “The Seventy-two Hours of the Moon Order” records: “Summer is false, and all things are false at this time.” Spring is born, summer is long, autumn is harvested, winter is hidden, and when the beginning of summer, all things grow and flourish. Chinese medicine believes that summer is associated with fire, fire flows through the heart, and heart yang is most prosperous in summer. Therefore, Lixia health should comply with the changes of solar terms, pay attention to maintaining the heart, and transition to summer peacefully.

Low-fat, low-salt, multi-dimensional and light

Lixia is the turn of spring and summer, and it is also the beginning of nourishing the heart. To nourish the heart, start with dietary conditioning, focusing on low-fat, low-salt, multi-dimensional, and light. Milk, chicken, soy products, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc. are all good choices. In addition, kidney water overcomes heart fire, and heart fire overcomes lung gold. While nourishing the heart, it can also take care of the lungs and kidneys. Choose some oysters, mulberries, black rice, white lentils, almonds, white fungus and other ingredients that nourish the kidneys and nourish the lungs.

Exercise moderately to avoid profuse sweating

Xinyang has the power of warming and nourishing the whole body. The body’s water metabolism, sweat regulation, etc., are inseparable from the important role of heart yang. Therefore, it is necessary to increase outdoor activities in summer, bask in the sun properly, and not afraid of sweating but not sweating profusely. Slow-paced aerobic exercise can help stimulate yang, boost your immunity, and keep your inner emotions calm. Proper perspiration is also an effective way for the body to expel cold pathogens.

Waking up at night and getting up early to pay attention to the lunch break

“Su Wen·The Four-Critical Adjustment Theory” says: “Xia Sanyue, this is called Fanxiu… Sleeping at night and getting up early, walking widely in Courtyard.” After the beginning of summer, the length of the day and the short of the night are more obvious, so we should adapt to the changes of yang and yin deficiency, go to bed a little later in the evening than in the spring, and get up early in the morning. If conditions permit, you can rest for one hour to one and a half hours after lunch. It is best to lie in a lying position. Sitting and sleeping on your stomach are not conducive to eliminating fatigue. Even if you can’t sleep in the afternoon, closing your eyes and resting for a while is good for your body and mind.

Emotional conditioning and peace of mind

The mind hides the spirit, and the mind is chaotic. The heart is where the emotions of the human body occur and dominates, and a strong heart can easily lead to upset in summer. As the saying goes, the mind is calm and naturally cool, the mind is calm and the fire breathes, and the heart is naturally cool. You can calm your mind by reading, painting, listening to music, playing chess, fishing, etc.

Recommended therapeutic recipe: Shuangshen pig heart soup

[Ingredients] Fried salvia 15g, Codonopsis 15g, 1 pig heart, appropriate amount of salt.

[Practice] Cut the pig’s heart in half, cut the fascia, wash it, wash the salvia and codonopsis respectively, put them in a casserole, add water, first cook on high heat until the water boils, Switch to simmer for about two hours, add salt to taste, and serve.

[Efficacy] Promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, nourishes the heart and calms the nerves.

(produced by Yangcheng Evening News Lingnan Famous Doctor Studio)