Thyroid “culprit” is a sea fish? Reminder: “2 white and 1 yellow” eat less, or it can stabilize hormones and disperse nodules

In recent years, the incidence of thyroid disease has increased, mainly due to thyroid hormone imbalance. When talking about the causes of illness, most people will think of these points: ① often stay up late; ② not in a good mood; ③ long-term exposure to radiation; ④ smoking and drinking; ⑤ diet.

After all, diseases come from the mouth, and dietary problems are indeed a chronic disease that needs to be considered. So are our common marine fish the main cause of thyroid nodules?

The “culprit” of the thyroid is sea fish? Can thyroid nodules still eat fish?

Sea fish is very rich in protein and nutrients. If you eat some seafood at ordinary times, it will not cause any harm to the human body. Instead, it can enhance the body’s resistance and have the effect of hearing and seeing.

But for thyroid patients, it cannot be eaten often, because the iodine content of seafood is very high. If eaten in large quantities, it will increase the burden on our thyroid, which is a problem for the thyroid. For patients with problems, it is easy to aggravate the condition.

Reminder: Eat less of “2 white and 1 yellow”, or it may stabilize hormones and disperse nodules

“2 white”

1. Glutinous rice

Glutinous rice is also a common daily staple food, such as zongzi or rice cakes on the Dragon Boat Festival, are made from it, which can enhance certain satiety.

However, due to its large viscosity and indigestion, it will increase the burden on the stomach for a long time. Coupled with the starch and sugar contained in it, it will also cause fat accumulation in the human body, affecting the normal operation of the thyroid gland, thereby causing nodules and endangering thyroid function.

2. Lotus root

Lotus root clears the lungs and moistens the lungs. Daily consumption in moderation can remove toxins from the lungs, but for patients with thyroid nodules, it is recommended to eat less.

Mainly because the lotus root is cooling, if you take too much, it is easy to cause other complications and cause gastrointestinal damage. In addition, it will disrupt normal hormone secretion, aggravate the condition, and make the nodules soar.

“1 Yellow”


Due to their good taste, persimmons are often made into various desserts. People also eat persimmons as snacks, but persimmons cannot be eaten too much.

Therefore, although persimmons are rich in nutrients and have good medicinal value, persimmons are cool foods. Excessive consumption of persimmons will lead to a decline in the body’s immunity, especially because it contains tannic acid

strong>, excessive intake will inhibit the thyroid’s absorption of nutrients, resulting in insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones, causing disease.

In life, if you want to dissipate nodules, you can do two things first, simple and effective

1. Supplement nutrition, such as licorice

During the conditioning period, patients can also choose to supplement some Chinese herbal medicines with the same origin of medicine and food to supplement the nutrients that are not easy to supplement in daily life, and licorice is a good choice.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that licorice has the functions of softening and dispelling knots, dispersing collaterals and eliminating phlegm. It is also mentioned in the “Compendium of Materia Medica” that licorice can relieve “cold and heat evil in the five internal organs”, which is very suitable for People with thyroid nodules can supplement it with water and relieve pain.

But a singleThe effect of ingredients is often limited. You can also try some slightly complicated recipes, such as honeysuckle, reed root, malt, platycodon, etc., and licorice to avoid too cold and too cold, and reduce the damage caused by long-term supplementation to the body. Injury, there will be surprising effects on the thyroid.

Pairing these herbs together can speed up the recovery of the patient’s condition, but be sure to stick to it. During taking, you can also choose well-matched nutrients, such as Comvitsu, etc. It grinds more than a dozen ingredients into powder and then presses them into tablets. The trace elements in the ingredients promote circulation and are more convenient to carry.

2. Insist on exercising

Be sure to do more aerobic exercise in life. During exercise, the body can not only enhance the body’s metabolic capacity, but also help Mobilize the activity of organs and strengthen detoxification. This is very beneficial to the recovery of thyroid disease. It is recommended to take half an hour a day for aerobic exercise.