Thrombosis coming, hands and feet prophets? Reminder: If there are 4 kinds of abnormalities in the hands and feet, the thrombosis may have come

Aunt Wu (pseudonym), a 60-year-old from Guangzhou, suddenly felt numbness in her right lower limb during dinner at home, and then lost consciousness. Then she felt severe pain, and when she touched her thigh, it became very cold.

Aunt Wu’s daughter rushed her to the hospital. After examination, it was found that her right lower extremity blood vessel was almost completely blocked by thrombus.thrombus Nearly a meter long. The doctor said that if the thrombus is not removed in time, Aunt Wu is likely to need amputation, which is a great risk.

Finally, the thrombus was removed through a right femoral artery thrombectomy. After being hospitalized for a period of time, Aunt Wu was able to walk on the ground.

The doctor said that Aunt Wu suffered from high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation, but she did not take anticoagulant drugs, which led to the continuous deposition of formed elements in the blood, and eventually formed a thrombus.

First, many people’s blood clots are “eat” out

Thrombosis is the most hidden “killer” in the body. According to statistics, 51% of people in the world currently die of thrombotic diseases , far more than the death caused by other diseases such as tumors.

Clinically, thrombosis is divided into arterial thrombosis and venous thrombosis.

Arterial thrombosis is the root cause of myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction. Both myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction have the characteristics of high morbidity, high disability rate, high recurrence rate and high mortality rate .

Venous thrombosis is known as the “invisible killer”, which is mainly related to slow blood flow, venous wall damage, and blood hypercoagulability. It is common in Patients with hypertension, hyperglycemia, patients with varicose veins, pregnant womenetc.

After venous thrombosis, the veins may become red, swollen, and painful in mild cases, and may develop into deep phlebitis in severe cases, resulting in skin redness, swelling, ulceration, muscle atrophy, necrosis, and eventually Face amputation, or even lead to pulmonary embolism, life-threatening.

And some unreasonable diets in daily life will also “promote” blood clots. Formation, such as:

High-sugar diet:High-sugar foods such as cola, milk tea, cakes, etc., are easy to increase the human body Blood sugar and triglyceride levels, while lowering lipoprotein levels, cause the blood to become thicker and increase the risk of thrombosis.

High-salt diet: Eat too much salt, blood vessels can’t stand it, especially seasonings such as chicken essence and soy sauce . Studies have found that excessive salt intake is closely related to coronary heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, stroke and other diseases.

Trans fats:Foods like egg yolk pie, cookies, ice cream, etc. are rich in trans fatty acids, eat too much Elevates low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, leading to cardiovascular disease.

Fried food:Fried food such as fried chicken, french fries, fried dough sticks, etc. Eating it will cause a large amount of greasy substances to accumulate in the stomach and intestines, which will block the blood vessels and cause blood clots to appear.

Second, there are 4 kinds of abnormalities in the hands and feet, even if it is minor, you need to be vigilant

Clinical medical experiments have found that nearly 80% of patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are caused by thrombus formation in blood vessels, and in the early stage, thrombus is “traceable”. Therefore, if the following abnormalities appear in the hands or legs, you must be vigilant:

1, redness, hot to the touch strong>

Redness of the arms or legs, warm to the touch, possibly related to the limbs A decrease in blood flow to the heart is associated with decreased blood flow and increased pressure in the veins, allowing fluids to seep into other tissues, causing redness and heat.

2. Swelling pain

Swelling pain in the arms or legs, It may be that the thrombus has caused an inflammatory reaction. Over time, the pain will become more and more obvious.Also accompanied by symptoms such as cramping and cramping.

3. Swelling of the skin

Swelling on one arm or leg due to a vein A blood clot occurs, preventing blood from returning to the heart and spreading to the tissues of the leg under pressure.

4. “Little earthworm” appears

The “small earthworms” in the legs, that is, varicose veins, are caused by blood clots that slow down the speed of blood circulation, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain, which in turn affects the blood supply of other tissues, and ultimately causes Varicose veins in the legs and ankles, bulging blood vessels like small earthworms.

In addition, thrombosis in the body may also causeSkewing eyes or drooling, weakness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking, blurred vision, sudden dizziness, drowsiness or yawning, etc. Performance, don’t ignore it as a small problem.

Third, “red thrombus” VS “white thrombus”, which is more dangerous?

Sometimes we hear the terms red thrombus, white thrombus, etc. What is this thrombus?

  • red thrombus

red thrombus, visible to the naked eye Red, which occurs when blood flow slows or stops, is composed primarily of fibrin and red blood cells, and is larger in size, creating a greater risk of blockages in large blood vessels. To prevent red blood clots, anticoagulants such as warfarin or newer oral anticoagulants should be used.

  • white thrombus< /li>

White thrombus, which is yellow-white to the naked eye, occurs when the blood flow is fast, and is often formed when atherosclerotic plaque ruptures. It is composed of platelets and white blood cells and is small in size. . To prevent white blood clots, antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin should be used.

Fourth, prevent blood clots, keep these 4 points in mind

Thrombs block the lungs, the heart, and the brain. So, what should be done to prevent thrombosis?

1. Regular medication is the foundation

Following the doctor’s advice and regular medication is to prevent thrombosis Do not stop the drug without authorization.

2. Pay attention to your diet

Eat less greasy food, eat more potatoes and sweet potatoes , fruits and other low-fat, high-fiber foods to prevent constipation, thin blood.

3. Regular physical examination for high-risk groups

Long-term smoking, hypertension, hyperglycemia, family history of venous thrombosis, history of thrombosis and other high-risk groups should have an annual vascular ultrasound examination.

4. Avoid prolonged sitting

Sedentary and deep vein thrombosis Close relationship, prevent blood clots, should avoid sedentary, it is best to get up and move every 1 hour.

Finally, Xiao Jiu recommends an ankle pump exercise: keep sitting or Lie on your back, stretch your legs, relax your thighs, inhale, and lift your toes as hard as you can, hold for 5-10 seconds, then relax.

Then try to keep your toes down as far as you can, hold for 5-10 seconds, then relax. Finally, center on the ankle joint and wrap the toes 360 degrees. The above is a group of movements. Doing 20-50 groups each time, 3-4 times a day, can effectively reduce the risk of thrombosis.

Nowadays, many people are not living a healthy lifestyle, and the risk of developing blood clots increases. The higher it is, we must be vigilant to prevent the occurrence of blood clots, so as not to lose health.


[1] “99% of blood clots may have no warning! Severe cases can lead to death, and the effective prevention method is…”. Popular Science China. 2020-10-13

[2] “Thrombosis is divided into “red” and “white”, and the prevention and treatment methods are different! “. Health Times. 2020-03-05

[3] “A Notice to “High Risk of Venous Thrombosis”: You may be the next one”. Life Times. 2020-01-05


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