Three dates a day, youth is not old! Eating red dates has 3 benefits, but 2 types of people should eat less and increase the humidity

As the saying goes: three dates a day, youth will never grow old. Jujube is a low-cost health food, which is rich in iron, a variety of vitamins and minerals, has high nutritional value, and can also have the effect of nourishing qi and blood.

In recent years, with the increase of people’s awareness of health care, everyone pays more attention Diet and health, many people are accustomed to eating a few dates a day or adding red dates when cooking porridge, thinking that red dates are beneficial to the body.

What are the benefits of eating red dates?

1. Improve immunity

Jujube can promote the production of leukocytes, the function of which is to phagocytose viruses and abnormal Therefore, eating more red dates can improve immunity.

2. Prevention of anemia and osteoporosis strong>

Jujube is rich in iron and calcium, which is especially suitable for children and adolescents in the growth and development period, and the frail elderly. It can promote bone growth and development, prevent osteoporosis, reduce Anemia symptoms.

3. Prevention of gallstones

Jujube contains a lot of vitamin C, which can absorb Cholesterol digested and absorbed. Vitamin C converts it into bile acids, reducing the risk of gallstones.

Is it suitable for everyone to eat red dates?

Red dates can be said to be a healthy food for men, women and children. Whether it is making soup, cooking or making five-grain and soy milk, red dates are less of the figure. Many people also think that red dates are female friends. A must-have item. But in fact, not everyone can eat red dates arbitrarily, and it is better for the following two types of people to eat less.

1. Those with hotter constitution

The southern region is humid, and many women are accompanied by Humidity is heavy, and eating red dates properly can help restore the body. However, women with a hot body should eat as little as possible to avoid problems such as menstrual disorders or excessive menstrual flow.

2, diabetics

Red dates contain too much sugar, so people with high blood sugar or diabetes should eat less or no red dates to avoid a sharp rise in the glycemic index.

Eating a lot of red dates will attract moisture, really?

About red dates, it has recently been circulated on the Internet: eating too many red dates is easy to provoke moisture, which in turn leads to some physical problems. So, Do red dates really attract moisture and affect the body?

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, Gan helps dampness. Since the sweet returns to the spleen meridian, it is good for the spleen and stomach. Eating too much sweet food can hinder the spleen’s transport and transformation, damage the spleen and stomach, increase the dampness, and accumulate phlegm in the body. The sugar content of red dates is relatively high and sweet and greasy, and moisture is easy to stagnate. Therefore, eating a large amount of red dates will promote moisture and promote the retention of moisture in the body, resulting in bloating and abdominal discomfort. Therefore, those with phlegm-dampness constitution, those with weak spleen and stomach, those with severe dampness, and those with accumulation should also eat less or even not eat red dates.

What other foods can cause moisture?

1. Fried food

Many people like to eat fried food, such as french fries, Fried sticks or pancakes, fried chicken nuggets, etc., crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, can satisfy the taste buds. However, frequent consumption of fried foods can reduce the function of the spleen and stomach, and cannot remove moisture from the body, which can lead to a vicious circle in the long run.

2, cold food

Cold and cold food can aggravate the dampness and coldness in the body, especially for those with weak spleen and stomach, eating too much cold food will aggravate the dampness and damage the spleen and stomach. Therefore, avoid ice cream, iced drinks, or food fresh from the refrigerator. Eating more warm foods, such as red bean, longan or mutton, yam, etc., can help to eliminate the body’s moisture and cold, and reduce the damage to the spleen and stomach.

3, high-fat foods

fat, animal liver, kidney, intestine and large intestine, Animal fats and other foods are high-fat foods. Fat can provide heat energy for the body, and heat energy will increase the humidity in the body. Therefore, people with heavy humidity should stay away from high-fat foods to avoid aggravating physical symptoms.

Message from the doctor

People with poor spleen and stomach should eat 3~4 red dates a day, healthy people a day The amount of red dates should not exceed 10. In addition, when making soup or porridge with red dates, a small amount of red bean and barley should be added to remove dampness.

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