[Three co-ordination, three expansion, and four creation] Shenxing community held a lecture on health science knowledge of “Spring Health, Happy Life”

The weather in spring will warm up and all things will recover. It is a season of high disease incidence and a good time for health preservation. , deepening the “Three Coordination, Three Expansion, and Four Creation” activities. On the morning of March 21, Shenxing Community held a lecture on health science knowledge of “Spring Health and Joyful Life”.

In this lecture, Dr. Shi from Youai Hospital was invited to give a lecture to the residents. Starting from the changes, we will focus on the characteristics of spring health preservation. Matters needing attention in spring health care: First, pay attention to keeping warm, spring flowers bloom, and reduce clothing prematurely. Once the cold hits, it will cause vasospasm, affect the body’s function, and cause various diseases. Therefore, the habit of “covering in spring” should be maintained. . The second is to nourish the liver in spring. The liver has the function of regulating emotions and combing Qi. You can eat some foods that warm and nourish Yang Qi such as onions, ginger, garlic, and leeks. The third is to keep the air fresh and circulated in the living room. You can plant some flowers on the balcony at home, and often open the windows for ventilation. Fourth, the climate in spring is pleasant, and all things grow, which is suitable for outdoor activities, such as walking, jogging, and Taijiquan.

In the form of questions, the on-site introduction to health care from the details of life such as “clothing, food, housing, and transportation”, Advocate the health concept of “prevention first and treatment supplemented”, arrange diet and daily life in a reasonable way, and recommend reasonable arrangements for some outdoor sports according to your own situation, so as to stretch your body and mind, absorb natural vitality, and enhance the body’s resistance.

This lecture not only made the residents in the jurisdiction understand the correct method of spring health preservation, but also established a strong foundation in the community. The concept of scientific health preservation is deeply welcomed by the majority of residents.

Source: Yuqiang Street