Thoughts in spring

Spring is here, and the little purple flowers in the river are blooming.

Those little purple flowers were not supposed to be in the river, but they were transplanted and cost money.

River water soup, wet clothes.

The fisherman’s car is by the river, like a turtle shell, and the fisherman is like a small beast, waiting there fishing for profit.

Monk Zhinan wrote: “I want to soak my clothes in the rain of apricot flowers, and the willow wind is not cold.” I am drunk, my muscles and bones are relaxed, but I often feel sleepy, can’t sleep, and don’t want to move when I wake up.

Even when the wind is strong, it’s not cold, and people can open their arms in the wind, let their hair loose, and whatever. Confucius liked to take his disciples on outings. He also took a shower with his hair loose. After taking a bath, he would sing and dance. It was a great joy in life.

Perhaps, life is so pure that there are no major responsibilities and lofty ideals. It is good to live in the moment, to live in the present moment.

There are more small flying insects, flying in the wind, landing on people’s clothes, and some flying into people’s eyes . Perhaps, the fate of the little flying insect and the person has an intersection, and there is a one-sided relationship, and then they will meet with people. Or perhaps, the little flying insects are just messengers of spring, reporting the news of the warming weather.

The willow tree sprouted young shoots and became lively on the branches. Peach blossom red and pear blossom white add a lot of beautiful colors to the fields. When I first saw it, I thought it was good-looking, but if I watched it too much, I would have infinite reverie, and even thought of Daiyu’s “The Song of Burial Flowers”. There is no everlasting flower, and no immortal person.

“The sky is full of flowers and flowers, and who will pity the red and fragrance?” It’s just a sentence that makes people sad. Why do people feel so sad when they see blooming flowers?

Because people feel the time limit of life, flowers bloom and fall is a natural process, and life, aging, illness and death are also natural processes, which cannot be violated. When the flowers fall, the beauty is lost, and the people are gone, leaving only a piece of smoke and dust, a pinch of loess, but no one knows it.

After the death of Xiangxiaoyu, the beauty is gone. However, spring is the season of rejuvenation, and it is also the season when animals come out to move, and people seem to be infected and want to be active.

In the spring, students in some schools violated discipline a lot. Maybe it has something to do with the breath of spring. The coldness of winter will make people huddle together for warmth, while the warmth of spring will make people break up, quarrel, and even fight each other.

Then spring is not just a season of vitality, but a season of quarrels, a season of wild mating of animals. People who are sick have to go out for a walk when they are infected, but they dare not take off their thick clothes. Even if they sweat, they don’t dare to take off their clothes.

In the spring night, with the chirping of insects, it seems even more silent in the halo of the full moon, and it seems that some great plan is brewing All the power slowly vented out.

Farmers watered the fields with machine wells, the water was clear and gurgling, and the wheat in the fields no longer shivered, but opened their arms, Grow as much as you like. It turned out that the black wheat had become lusciously green, as long as someone’s palm, but it showed strong vitality.

The bees and butterflies in the orchard flew up and danced freely, no one bothered them, but they added some bright colors to the spring. And those farmers are busy watering the fields, weeding, and fertilizing, but they don’t want to appreciate the busyness of bees and butterflies. Perhaps they are hard-working bees and butterflies. Although they know that farming is not profitable, they still continue to plant as always, and refuse to leave their homeland to make a living.

When the spring rain comes, people are caught off guard. The fine rain wets the clothes, but it will not get soaked, avoiding a lot of embarrassment in the rain.

The fine rain curtains are densely woven, like a dream with green smoke. In the dream, there are beautiful faces, golden houses, and Qian Zhongsu, but only without himself.

Perhaps, spring is just a dream. The ancients have long recognized it and said “a spring dream”, but after experiencing some fresh feelings, after the past, there is nothing. Just remember, it’s still a dream.

Spring goes by easily. If someone dies in spring, it seems that with the smile of peach blossoms, it will pass away in a hurry with the passage of time. It is poignant and beautiful. Extraordinary, very sad.

Li Houzhu wrote, “Flowers fall and spring goes away, heaven and earth.” Missing the scene of the previous dynasty, I can’t help but sigh that spring is fleeting, life is like Water is running.

shallow people watch When the vigor of spring arrives, profound people see that spring is fleeting, and then lament the rush of life time. And spring will always come, and people’s sadness will also come, generation after generation, generation after generation, of course, it will also take the form of chanting.< /span>

Spring is like a dream, wandering in it, I don’t know if I am a guest in my dream, and I am greedy for a while.