Those who dare not wear sandals in summer have a sad secret

[Source: Beijing Association for Science and Technology]

Summer is here, and many people are eager to try on beautiful short skirts, favorite sandals, and show their beautiful feet.

However, there are still some people who feel inferior because of some common diseases at the age of beauty, and dare not wear sandals to show their feet.

Or pathological foot sweat, foot odor, or even athlete’s foot

Or nail fungal infection, becoming onychomycosis

Or nail growth In the flesh (inserted nails), it has become paronychia

In fact, the best time to treat embarrassing minor problems such as athlete’s foot, onychomycosis, paronychia, etc. is the first time you find the disease.

If you ignore this type of fungal infection, or use home remedies or drugs indiscriminately, it will delay the disease, even aggravate it, and waste money.

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Photo source: Dr. Lilac Design Team

In fact, whether it is athlete’s foot, onychomycosis, paronychia, back acne, sweat odor, underarm odor, these small skin problems are very easy Create social embarrassment in the summer.

Image source: Dr. Lilac Design Team

But in fact, they are all common skin diseases. Scientific treatments are curable. In most cases, doctors can give a professional treatment plan based on the photos and observation of clinical manifestations.

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