Those things about “fatty acids” (2): How to avoid “harmful fatty acids”?

Li Baoli, Henan Institute of Food Inspection

Fatty acids are closely related to human health, but not all fatty acids are beneficial to the human body. Some fatty acids are not only harmful to the body, but harmful. These fatty acids are called trans fatty acids, or “harmful fatty acids”.

Trans fatty acids can affect the growth and development of adolescents

Research has shown that trans fatty acids are harmful to the human body. The main hazards are as follows:

cause thrombosis. Trans fatty acids can increase the viscosity and cohesion of human blood, which can easily lead to the formation of blood clots.

Affects growth and development. Studies have found that trans fatty acids can affect the absorption of essential fatty acids in adolescents during the growth and development period, and also have adverse effects on the growth and development of the central nervous system of adolescents.

Easy to gain weight. Trans fatty acids are not easily digested by the human body and easily accumulate in the abdomen, leading to obesity. People who like to eat snacks such as French fries should be vigilant, as the trans fatty acids in fried foods can cause significant fat accumulation.

Trans fatty acids are found in potato chips, milk tea and other foods

Trans fatty acids are mainly derived from hydrogenated vegetable oils, refined vegetable oils, adipose tissue of ruminants and milk. Among them, hydrogenated vegetable oil is the most important food source of trans fatty acids. The reason why vegetable oils are hydrohardened is because hydrogenated vegetable oils prevent spoilage, keep food looking good, and make it easier to transport and store. In addition, it can increase the taste of food, and the cost is lower.

All foods containing hydrogenated vegetable oil or fried with hydrogenated vegetable oil contain trans fatty acids, so margarine, margarine, coffee mate, potato chips, French fries, milk tea, etc. are all trans fatty acids Fatty acid disaster area.

In addition, in the process of frying, frying, cooking, and frying, the oil temperature is too high and the time is too long, trans fatty acids will also be produced, but the amount is very small.

Trans fatty acid intake of more than 2.2 grams per day is harmful to health

Although trans fatty acids have obvious potential health hazards, don’t talk about “trans fatty acids” discoloration, Its harm depends on the daily dietary intake, which is related to the type of food chosen.

In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that the daily calories from trans fatty acids should not exceed 1% of the total food calories (roughly equivalent to 2 grams), and my country adopted this target for evaluation. It should be pointed out that this is not a “safety standard”, but only a “guidance”. The amount of risk is acceptable.”

“General Rules for Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Foods” (GB28050-2011) stipulates that “if the content of trans fatty acids in 100 grams of food is less than 0.3 grams, it can be marked as 0” “trans fatty acid intake per day” Should not exceed 2.2 grams, too much intake is harmful to health. Trans fatty acid intake should be less than 1% of total daily energy, too much is harmful to health.”

When consumers buy food, they can judge whether to buy the food by the content of trans fatty acid on the label. Also, try to avoid foods that contain hydrogenated vegetable oils in the ingredient list.