This vegetable is good for cardiovascular, but many people don’t know it!

It’s getting hotter.

In summer, there is a vegetable that is very popular among people, and it is also a lot of skewers A favorite of drinkers, it is edamame.

While the fluffy pods are unassuming, the crunchy green beans are mouthwatering ruler.

However, what about the nutritional value of edamame?

Today we will talk about edamame.

Edamame benefits cardiovascular health

In fact, edamame is not only delicious, but also nutritious and beneficial Vascular health.


Edamame to soybean, what happened?

Many people say that edamame and soybean are essentially the same Yes, are they any different?

From edamame to soybean, what has changed?

Studies have investigated 5 representative genotypes of soybean varieties in seed development to Changes in body chemistry during maturation. The results showed that:

Edamame had less protein.

The protein content of soybean gradually increased from 3 to 5 weeks after flowering. decreased, and then gradually increased.

Edamame has less fat.

The fat content will gradually increase during development, so the fat of edamame Less, more fat after growing into soybeans.

In general, soybeans and edamame are two of a class of beans In the mature stage, the composition is obviously different.

Soy protein content up to 35%


Edamame is an immature seed with high water content, low dry matter and protein Only about 6%, and also contains vitamin C, which belongs to vegetables;

soybeans are cooked Dried seeds have very low moisture content, more than 35% protein content, and no vitamin C. They belong to soybeans.


What are the nutritional benefits of edamame?

Edamame is rich in plant-based protein and has Very high content of potassium and magnesium, especially rich in B vitamins and dietary fiber, as well as saponins, phytic acid, oligosaccharides and other plant components, edamame can be said to be a healthy vegetable.

Also, it has cardiovascular benefits.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a “Soy Protein” Health Claims.

The notice states, “Eating 25 grams a day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease “.

< span>25 grams per day may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

This The health notice reads: Foods containing at least 25 grams of soy protein per serving will be permitted to use one of the following two labelling terms:

(1) Eating 25 grams of soy protein per day in combination with a low saturated fat and low cholesterol diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

(2) Eating low-saturated-fat and low-cholesterol foods containing 25 grams of soy protein per day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.< /p>

Although some scholars believe that the FDA’s health claim is insufficient, the latest research from the University of Toronto The results of the study also support this FDA claim.

This study evaluated 46 soy A meta-analysis of trials of soy protein showed cardiovascular health benefits.

The American Heart Association AHA pooled analysis also found that appropriate consumption of soy is good for heart and cardiovascular health.

Appropriate consumption of soy is good for heart and cardiovascular health


Edamame GMO can’t be eaten?

Some people say that soybeans on the market today are It is genetically modified and harmful to eat.

In fact, this concern is superfluous.

From the perspective of international research and consumption, the cultivation and consumption of genetically modified soybeans Very common and there is no evidence of harm to humans.

Authoritative health agencies in the world, such as WHO, US FDA, EU food safety Bureau EFSA, etc., their assessments believe that the approved genetically modified food is as safe as ordinary food.

GM foods are as safe as regular foods

So, don’t panic about genetically modified soybeans.

Moreover, in my country, only soybean oil is allowed to use genetically modified soybeans, edamame grown and sold , soybeans are non-GMO, so you don’t have to worry about buying genetically modified edamame.


Soy has estrogen, can you get breast cancer if you eat it?

Edamame (soy) does contain soy isoflavones , this substance is a bit like estrogen in the human body.

However, its potency is only a few thousand times that of animal estrogens. consumption does not cause cancer.

A large number of epidemiological studies have found that in China, Japan and other Asian countries and Asian countries in Europe and America. Among women of American descent, there was an inverse association between the amount of soy products eaten and breast cancer risk.

In 2015, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) systematically evaluated soy isoflavones. The analysis concluded that soy isoflavones do not increase the risk of women-related cancers such as breast and endometrial cancer.

In addition, many studies have found that eating soy may also reduce the risk of breast cancer. risk.

Eat edamame with as little salt as possible

For example, the article “International Breast Health and Cancer Guidelines” published in the world’s leading medical journal “cancer” lists some countries in the world to prevent breast cancer One of the dietary methods to prevent breast cancer is to eat soybeans and their products in moderation.

So, rest assured to eat edamame.

However, I need to remind everyone that eating Edamame, whether it is fried or boiled, try to put as little salt as possible.

Because Salt increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and too much salt may negate the benefits of edamame.

Source: Ruan Guangfeng Nutritionist, Health Circle

Editor: Zhuhai Market Supervision Team

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