This set of exercise therapy to relieve cervical pain, you must know!

Cervical spondylosis seriously affects the normal work and life of human beings. Among them, radiculopathy is a multiple type. Cervical radiculopathy refers to the corresponding symptoms and signs of root compression or irritation due to degenerative changes of cervical intervertebral discs and intervertebral joints involving the corresponding cervical nerve roots. It is common in people aged 40 to 60, mostly in men, and the onset process is mostly chronic. It is more common in people who work at a desk for a long time, motor vehicle drivers and bow their heads for a long time. The natural history of most patients is self-limiting and symptoms resolve spontaneously. Among its etiologies, the degenerative changes of cervical intervertebral discs are the most important causes in the development and pathological process of cervical spondylosis. Usually a single nerve root is involved, but two or more nerve roots can also be compressed by multisegmental disease. Cervical spondylosis is mainly seen in the cervical 4 to 5 below, with the most common involvement of the cervical 5, 6 and 7 nerve roots. On this basis, a series of secondary pathological changes are caused, such as intervertebral disc herniation, formation of bone spurs at the posterior and lateral edges of adjacent vertebral bodies, hypertrophy of facet joints and uncinate joints, and ligamentum flavum. Thickening and formation of folds into the spinal canal. Both may irritate or compress the cervical nerve roots on both sides of the spinal canal, causing symptoms such as pain, numbness, and muscle weakness in the upper extremities, including the fingers. Cervical radiculopathy should be treated conservatively for 3 to 6 months after the diagnosis is confirmed. As for the cost of conservative treatment, it varies from person, place, and hospital, but the basic principle should be to relieve spasm and pain, reduce nerve edema, and nourish nerves. When necessary, braking, traction and physical therapy can be assisted as appropriate (traction massage is contraindicated in patients with cervical spinal stenosis and osteoporosis). The treatment plan should be simple and effective, and unnecessary treatment measures should be avoided. Today I will teach you a simple exercise therapy for pain relief: 1. Nodding side neck exercise

Stand with your torso straight, your feet shoulder-width apart, your whole body relaxed, your eyes open and closed naturally, your head and neck neutral Position, focus on the action. With your hands on your hips, bend your head and neck to the left, right, and back.

Click this to repeat the 4th 8-beat, and the head and neck will return to a neutral position. It can exercise the function of the front, back, left and right of the neck, accelerate the blood circulation of the neck muscles, eliminate the block, prevent the adhesion of the soft tissues of the neck and the calcification of the ligaments, and eliminate fatigue.

2. Upper limb pronation exercise


> Open the palms of both hands and let them down naturally, raise the left hand outwards to level the shoulders, palms down, turn the shoulders inward with the right hand, rest the palms on the left shoulder, and rotate the head and neck to the left along with the right shoulder; then switch positions of the left and right hands.

After repeating this for 4 8-beats, the head, neck and hands return to the preparatory movements. Exercise the neck and shoulder muscles, maintain and increase elasticity, and keep the neck and shoulder joints flexible.

3. Slap neck and shoulder exercise

Open the palms of both hands and put them down naturally, and do it simultaneously. Cross the left and right hands in front of the chest, and tap the left and right acromio deltoid muscles with the palms of the palms, and then tap the same side of the neck muscles with the left and right hands. The power of the slap should be naturally comfortable.

After repeating this for 4 8-beats, withdraw the preparatory action. By tapping the left and right acromion deltoid and neck muscles, local blood circulation can be promoted.

4. Hammering Ojo exercise

Dazhui acupoint is the main meeting point of the meridian qi and blood leading to the head and neck. Refresh your mind and eliminate fatigue.

5. Neck Twist and Arm Raise in Circles

Open the palms naturally and put them down simultaneously. Raise the left side obliquely, straighten and release the palms and fingers, turn the head and neck to the left with the hands, and turn the eyes to the front where the hands are pointing; then raise the hands naturally from the left to the top, rotate the head and neck with the hands, and turn the head and neck until the back is facing the sky. Look at the sky and alternate left and right. Repeat this for 4 8 beats, and the movement will recover. Such an all-round exercise can strengthen the strength of the head, neck and shoulder wall.

6. Exercise against the sky and the ground

Raise your hands on your head and palms down naturally , with the palms facing the sky, the head and neck back, and the eyes looking at the sky; then the palms are pressed down, the head and neck are bent forward, and the eyes are looking down.

< span>In this way, after doing 4 8-beats alternately, take back the preparatory action. It can effectively relieve fatigue, straighten out joints and ligaments, absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and dredge the meridians in the body, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening the body. Prevent neck, shoulder and arm pain Works great.