This seemingly “healthy” drink is actually a gout killer! we drink almost every day

Reviewer: Cheng Yongjing (Beijing Hospital)

Beer + seafood is a well-known “gout package”, which is kept away by gout patients. What many people never expected is that an Internet celebrity drink around them will make this kind of pain “like being bitten by a dog” worse.

The following news shocked most people:

16-year-old boy gets gout at a young age after drinking juice instead of water every day!

Image source: Guangzhou Daily Weibo screenshot

Drinking fruit juice can increase the incidence of gout, which has been confirmed by a large-scale clinical study abroad:

Scientists found 46,393 men who had never had gout, and after 12 years of follow-up, 755 men were diagnosed with gout. It was concluded that the more people who drink sugar-sweetened beverages, the higher the proportion of gout and hyperuricemia [1].

Men who drank more than 2 glasses of juice per month had an 81% higher chance of developing gout than men who drank less than one glass of juice per month. Especially orange juice and apple juice are most closely related to gout [1].

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

At present, the prevalence of gout in my country is 1% to 3%, and it is increasing year by year. The ratio of male to female incidence is 15:1[2].


1. Why does fruit juice cause gout?

The real culprit is fructose in juice.

In recent years, more and more studies have found that excessive fructose intake can lead to a significant increase in the incidence of gout.

You must know that fructose is the “sweet king” of many sugars. If you score the sweetness of sucrose and glucose respectively, they can get 100 points and 74 points, while Fructose can get over 170 points!

We know that the final product of purine metabolism is uric acid. However, fructose is converted into adenosine monophosphate under the catalysis of human fructokinase, and it is also metabolized into uric acid. At the same time, fructose can also reduce the excretion of uric acid, resulting in a further increase in blood uric acid.

It can be said that drinking fruit juice is refreshing for a while, and the double action of fructose makes uric acid crazy high.

Foreign studies have found that drinking too much juice can also aggravate gout!

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

2. Which foods contain more fructose?

In daily life, if you are not careful, you will easily be biased by fructose: common fruits, honey, sugar-sweetened beverages, sweets, etc. are all active areas of fructose.

For example, 330ml of cola contains 35g of sugar, 600ml of iced black tea contains 58.2g of sugar, and 100g of ice cream contains 20g of sugar.

The sugar added by these food industries is mostly high fructose syrup or sucrose. Among them, the main component of high fructose syrup is fructose; after the decomposition of sucrose, 50% of the components will be converted into fructose.

So, either sucrose or high fructose syrup can lead to elevated fructose.

Fruits with high fructose content have little effect on normal people. For gout patients, the main reason for the red light is because they eat too much!

For example, the common fruits in our life with higher sugar content (a bowl, sliced) are bananas with a higher sugar content of 10.91g, mangoes with 7.72g and apples with 7.38g. In addition, high-sugar fruits also include figs, oranges, grapefruit, lychees, persimmons, longans, bananas, bayberry, pomegranates, etc.

The 2016 Chinese Dietary Guidelines also recommend that Chinese people control the intake of added sugars, with a daily intake of no more than 50g, preferably less than about 25g.

Therefore, the “gout package” to stay away from is not only beer + seafood, but also juice.

Photo source: Zhanku Hailuo i>

Three, these diet tips to master

Gout is a disease inseparable from “eating”. How should I eat?

These foods are bad when you eat them

“Limiting” of high-purine foods is key

In order to ensure that the body’s nutrition can keep up, some high-purine foods can also be eaten, but must be limited, including:

These foods are unlimited and nutritious daily

Gout patients should also pay attention to drink plenty of water, at least 2000 ml of water per day, in addition, they can also drink some light tea, coffee can help excretion of uric acid, but pay attention to too strong Coffee can increase the burden on the kidneys.

Iron diet principles

In short, for gout sufferers, remember:

Restriction of high-purine animal foods is necessary;

Control the ratio of energy and nutrients to maintain a healthy weight;

Adhere to regular uric acid-lowering medication and follow up regularly.

What can I eat if I have gout? Know the purine content of common foods and then decide.

Finally, Uncle Dian would like to remind everyone that diet control is as important as taking medicine.

Rome was not built in a day, nor is hyperuricemia in gout patients. The accumulation of hyperuricemia in previous years has resulted in a large amount of urine in and around the joints. Salt crystals are precipitated, and uric acid-lowering drugs are required to fundamentally excrete excess uric acid.

On this basis, control diet and gout control can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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