This kind of kidney disease is not easy to deal with! There are often 2 major symptoms in the early stage, and 2 points need to be grasped to avoid uremia

Chronic nephritis includes different pathological types. Generally, according to the etiology, there are mainly two types of primary glomerulonephritis and secondary nephritis. Secondary nephritis is often accompanied by clear primary pathogenic factors. Compared with primary nephritis, it can be prevented and controlled in advance, and some symptoms can also be mastered in advance.

Most nephropathy may have some common symptoms, but there are also some differences in symptoms affected by pathological factors.

The secondary nephritis that I want to talk about today can be described as “famous”, although it is not as common as diabetic nephropathy. But the damage to kidney function is just as dangerous.

It just makes people feel intimidated” Lupus Nephritis”!

Why lupus nephritis is not easy to deal with?

First, let’s talk about the underlying disease systemic lupus erythematosus. The pathogenic factors are relatively complex. The current research is mainly related to the patient’s autoimmune status and endocrine conditions. associated with genetic abnormalities.

Severe lupus can cause damage to organs throughout the body, one of which is the kidneys.

There are two typical early symptoms of lupus nephritis:

hematuria and proteinuria . It seems to be no different from other types of chronic nephritis. The simple hematuria is relatively mild, and when proteinuria, edema, and high blood pressure appear, it often develops to the middle stage. The reason why lupus nephritis is dangerous is not because of these symptoms, but the development of lupus itself. If it is not well controlled, it will accelerate the deterioration of renal function and cause the recurrence of the disease.

However, the specific pathological changes are different and have a crucial impact on the prognosis of the disease.

High risk of lupus nephritis and uremia?

Factors affecting the progression of renal function are, on the one hand, the control of the primary disease, whether lupus is stable or not, and the other is the development of pathology.

For patients with stable lupus control, higher levels of immunity, and a lower risk of recurrence, the risk of uremia was also lower.

However, patients with lupus who have always been active, disordered autoimmune levels, and poor pathology also need to pay attention to the prevention and treatment of uremia.

The pathology of lupus nephritis is generally divided into 6 grades, glomerular fibrosis and cell proliferation are mild in the early stage, crescents appear in the middle stage, and later At the same time, there is also the development of renal interstitial fibrosis, which progresses toxins more rapidly and has a higher risk of uremia.

If we can seize the earlier opportunity in time , Lupus nephritis also has a certain chance of complete improvement. To delay the failure of renal function and protect the remaining renal function, we need to start from two aspects:

  • The first point is to control the kidneys Inflammatory response

Let’s not talk about the impact of lupus on nephritis, chronic nephritis itself will also progress, mainly to control the immune inflammatory response, generally use Hormone shock can be effectively controlled and symptoms such as hematuria and proteinuria can be restored. At the same time, attention should be paid to the stability of blood pressure. Some patients will develop renal arterial hypertension after renal function damage, which will accelerate the development of glomerular fibrosis. Therefore, antihypertensive drugs should be taken when necessary.

In the selection of immunosuppressants, current research shows that mycophenolate mofetil is a relatively strong type, which is more beneficial for controlling massive proteinuria and inhibiting inflammation.

  • The second point is to regulate the immune level and stabilize the immune system

Lupus and nephritis are also diseases caused by immune system disorders. Therefore, in order to completely stabilize the disease, it is necessary to pay attention to the adjustment of immunity and maintain the balance of microecology in the body. To stabilize immunity to prevent infection, some patients need to be vaccinated against influenza in advance, especially some female patients need to be vaccinated in advance. In addition, immunoglobulins are injected when necessary for patients with weak immune systems. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to a balanced diet and exercise, and improve our immune system fundamentally. The so-called congenital insufficiency will be replenished the day after tomorrow. Kidney friends must pay attention to improving some habits that affect immunity, such as staying up late, smoking, overwork and so on.

If you have kidney problems such as kidney failure, high creatinine, etc., you need to answer them

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