This kind of fruit is listed in large quantities, and Zhangzhou’s “hard-core” uncle swallowed hundreds of them raw and rushed to the doctor for surgery

Red bayberry in June

Now is the season to eat bayberry

Sweet and delicious bayberry It’s addicting

The fruit acid it contains can appetizer and promote body fluid, digestion and relieve heat

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Don’t tell, don’t know

folkThere is such a saying:

To eat bayberry, you should eat the kernels together

This can benefit the intestines, clear heat and detoxify

There are still people who really believe this “home remedy”

It’s a tragedy. >

In the afternoon of May 30th, Department of Colorectal Oncology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University Chief physician Chen Bo posted a circle of friends, recording an “adventure” in his career.

On the morning of the same day, he had just performed emergency surgery for a 56-year-old patient for intestinal obstruction, and the culprit of the intestinal obstruction was actually the seasonal fruit – bayberry.

It turned out that the patient believed in so-called folk remedies. The stenosis of the intestinal tract caused by the tumor completely blocked the colon, causing colonic obstruction, and finally had to undergo surgery to save his life.

Fortunately, the doctor’s judgment was accurate and the treatment was timely. The patient recovered well after surgery, and

will be discharged soon.

Swallowing bayberry kernels all year round

belly Colic can’t defecate

As the core production area of ​​bayberry in Fujian, there is a folk saying in Longhai, Zhangzhou and other places: Eating bayberry and swallowing the nucleus can clear the intestines and detoxify, and there are many benefits. The 56-year-old Mr. Chen is convinced of this and has always maintained the habit of “eating bayberry without spitting out”. “I’ve eaten like this for many years without any problems,” said Mr. Chen’s son.

Some time ago, Mr. Chen lost his appetite and began to have trouble eating, and his stomach was often accompanied by cramps. To make matters worse, he was unable to defecate for several days. His family rushed him to a local hospital for treatment. After colonoscopy, a peripheral raised mass was found at the sigmoid colon 20 cm from the anal verge, resulting in a narrowing of the intestinal lumen, and the colonoscope could not be passed smoothly. After 5 days of hospitalization, Mr. Chen’s symptoms did not improve significantly. On May 29, his son took him to the emergency department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University for treatment.

The CT image is amazing

The colon is full of “steel balls”

On the day, it happened that the colorectal tumor surgery was Chen’s turn Dr. Bo was on duty, and the emergency department asked him to consult and assist in diagnosis and treatment. Chen Bo recalled that when the patient first came to the emergency department, his stomach bulged high like a ball; his heart rate was fast, and his face was thin due to anemia. After admission, the doctor immediately arranged for an abdominal CT examination. CT images show that: the patient’s colon and small intestine are highly dilated, and multiple high-density shadows can be seen in the intestine. “Like steel balls, one by one, they form a ball and fill the entire colon.” Chen Bo said, it was the first time he saw I was surprised by such a CT image.

At first, Chen Bo considered whether the patient had a mental illness and accidentally swallowed the steel ball due to pica. Later, after Chen Bo asked about the medical history in detail, Mr. Chen’s son slapped his head and remembered that when bayberry was on the market, his father recently swallowed a lot of bayberry as usual, about a hundred pieces.

Combining previously reported cases and reviewing relevant literature, Chen Bo judged that these high-density shadows like steel balls are the red bayberry kernels. Now the diagnosis became clear, it should be that the myrica rubra nuclei blocked the intestinal tube narrowed by the tumor, causing acute intestinal obstruction.

Surgery to relieve the crisis

“By the way” to remove the tumor in the body

Chen Bo introduced, swallowing myricetus It is only one of the causes of severe abdominal pain in the patient, and the real culprit is the tumor in the patient’s original intestine. The tumor causes the intestinal lumen to narrow, and after swallowing a large amount of bayberry kernels, the bayberry kernels cannot be discharged on their own, causing intestinal obstruction. Intestinal obstruction leads to intestinal blockage and intestinal expansion. If surgery is not performed in time, it may lead to intestinal ischemia and necrosis, or even intestinal perforation, which is ultimately life-threatening.

Fortunately, it was found in time. On May 29, the relevant preoperative preparations were improved, the electrolyte imbalance caused by anemia was corrected, and the vital signs were stabilized by fluid replacement. The next morning , Chen Bo and chief physician Lu Chuanhui and other team members performed laparotomy and colon tumor resection for Mr. Chen.

During the operation, it was found that Mr. Chen’s descending colon tumor had involved the abdominal wall muscles, and the proximal colon and small intestine were highly dilated and extremely fragile. The surgical team carefully and walking on thin ice removed the tumor for the patient. Tumors with a diameter of about 7-8 cm, and part of the bayberry nucleus was removed at the same time. Due to the high degree of edema and expansion of the patient’s colon, the surgical team took into account the high risk of anastomotic leakage after the primary anastomosis, and that there were still a large number of myricetus nuclei in the proximal bowel that needed to be gradually discharged. Fistula surgery. After the operation, the unremoved bayberry nucleus was successively discharged from the patient’s ostomy opening, and even the patient’s son felt incredible when he saw it. This time, the obstruction was finally successfully relieved.

“Myrica rubra nuclei caused intestinal obstruction, but the tumor was accidentally detected. For Mr. Chen, it was a blessing in disguise.” Chen Bo said that the patients are recovering well at present, and most of the patients are recovering well. The core has been excreted from the body and is about to be discharged from the hospital. After two weeks of rest at home, the patient can receive follow-up anti-tumor drug treatment after the patient’s physical strength recovers.

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Warm reminder

Source: Xiamen< span>Daily Comprehensive Chengdu Business Daily