This indicator is high, the whole body metabolism is messed up

Triglycerides and total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C, commonly known as “good cholesterol”), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C, commonly known as “bad cholesterol”) Side by side, it has become the basic item of blood lipid examination.

The main function of triglycerides is to supply and store energy, as well as fix and protect internal organs. There are two main sources of it:

Exogenous: the gut absorbs fat from food and turns it into triglycerides;

Endogenous: Human liver and fat can independently synthesize triglycerides.

So triglycerides are only partially related to diet, and triglycerides may be elevated even with a reasonable diet.

If elevated triglycerides are found, check to see if there are other diseases causing the increase in triglycerides, such as thyroid Decreased function, whether there are problems with renal function, whether there are other problems of abnormal lipid metabolism and hyperuricemia, all need to be further clarified, and then can effectively reduce triglycerides.


The normal normal value is below 1.7mmol/L, if More than 1.7mmol/L is called hypertriglyceridemia. Generally, about 2 mmol/L is called a mild increase. It is recommended that patients control their diet, strengthen exercise, and then observe the trend of blood lipid changes. Generally more than 4mmol/L to 5mmol/L, it means that blood lipids are relatively high.

High triglycerides, whole body metabolic disorder

An article published in The Lancet-Diabetes and Endocrinology stated that hypertriglyceridemia is often accompanied by a variety of metabolic abnormalities, especially elevated triglycerides. People with high waist circumference:

1. Atherosclerosis risk ↑

Plasma triglycerides exist in chylomicrons and lipoprotein particles (such as very low density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein), which will participate in the metabolism of cholesterol in the human body.

High triglycerides may have atherosclerotic effects. Specifically:

Rich in glycerol Triester lipoprotein particles, some of which can directly lead to atherosclerosis;

Other lipoprotein abnormalities associated with hypertriglyceridemia, such as high-density lipoprotein ( Low or dysfunctional HDL) may also lead to atherosclerosis.

2. Insulin resistance↑

Obese and type 2 diabetes patients are more likely to develop hypertriglyceridemia disease. These populations are generally insulin resistant.

And some markers of hypertriglyceridemia and metabolic syndrome have been shown to predate the onset of type 2 diabetes and predict the subsequent development of type 2 diabetes develop.

3. Risk of inflammation ↑

Metabolic environment associated with hypertriglyceridemia Changes are also associated with acute and chronic inflammation.

For example, concentrations of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, which are abnormally elevated after meals, contribute to inflammation through a variety of mechanisms.

4. Risk of abnormal blood pressure ↑

Hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension There are multiple co-occurring mechanisms, including weight gain and visceral obesity.

Proinflammatory factors in patients with hypertriglyceridemia are also indirectly related to cardiovascular damage.

5. Procoagulant state ↑

The article emphasizes that the very low density produced by the liver Increased lipoprotein concentrations are associated with a procoagulant state. Increased serum fibrinogen is associated with hypertriglyceridemia, and fibrates have been shown to reduce both triglyceride and fibrinogen concentrations.

Hypertriglyceridemia was also associated with increased concentrations of procoagulant phospholipids and thrombin.

6. Fatty liver risk ↑

Hypertriglyceridemia, also common in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

The liver is the main source of triglyceride lipoproteins in the human body. The abnormal metabolism of triglycerides by the liver can lead to hypertriglyceridemia; and increased hepatic lipogenesis can in turn promote the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

How to Lower Triglycerides level?

Patients with hypertriglyceridemia with a clear etiology should be treated according to the cause. If the control and exercise are still not up to the standard, drug treatment is recommended.

A healthy lifestyle is the main treatment method strongly advocated, that is, non-drug treatment: keep your mouth shut, walk Open your legs, stabilize your mood, and control your weight.

1. Control fat intake

Fried foods contain a lot of fat and should not be eaten too much. In addition, you should control your weight, and your BMI should not exceed 24.

You can learn the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is mainly composed of fruits and vegetables, Nuts, beans, whole grains, etc. The oil is mainly olive oil, and the meat is mainly fish and poultry.

2. Eat less sweets< /strong>

People with high triglycerides are very sensitive to sugars, which can exacerbate triglycerides.

3. Reasonable decompression, regulation of emotions

Stress can trigger adrenaline-triglyceride reaction and increase low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level.

Patients with hyperlipidemia should take time to stay in a daze for 5 minutes when they are busy, or go to the outdoors to relax and do some meditation and yoga exercises.

In terms of work and life, set realistic goals, release pressure appropriately, arrange work and life reasonably, and give yourself more time for rest and entertainment.

4. Avoid sedentary

Develop the habit of regular exercise to help accelerate the breakdown of triglycerides. Recommended at least 150 times per week Minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise 3 to 5 times a week, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, etc.

Health Tips

1. Even with a reasonable diet, triglycerides may be elevated

2, high triglyceride, whole body metabolism disorder< /p>

3. Advocate non-drug treatment: keep your mouth shut, stretch your legs, stabilize your emotions, and control your weight

Source: CCTV Life Circle

Editor: Zhuhai Market Supervision Team

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