This “drug taboo list” is very comprehensive, the doctor is most afraid of you taking these after taking the medicine, it is best to memorize it!

Chinese medicine health science

As the saying goes, taking medicine without taboo will break the doctor’s hand. Today, let’s take a look at the taboos of common medicines.

Contraindication list of commonly used drugs

1Take all medicines, do not smoke

The nicotine (nicotine) and other ingredients in cigarettes can affect The absorption of the drug will also increase the activity of the liver to metabolize the drug, the concentration of the drug will be reduced, and the efficacy of the drug will be discounted.

2The cephalosporins are paired with wine, “go” when you say “go”

Drinking alcoholic beverages after taking antibacterial drugs (cephalosporins) will cause “disulfiram” in the body Symptoms similar to drunkenness appear.

Severe cases may cause chest pain, myocardial infarction, acute heart failure, dyspnea, acute liver injury, convulsions and death.


span>Taking antidiarrheal drugs: Don’t drink milk

You should not drink milk when taking antidiarrheal drugs, because milk not only reduces the efficacy of antidiarrheal drugs, but also contains lactose that can easily aggravate diarrhea.


span>Taking stomach medicine: don’t be jealous

Stomach medicine works by neutralizing antacid ingredients and stomach acid. even fail.


span>Take antihypertensive drugs, do not eat grapefruit

The elderly who take antihypertensive drugs for a long time should pay special attention. There is a substance in grapefruit called furanocoumarin, which can affect the normal effect of drugs, or amplify some side effects.

Some people take grapefruit and antihypertensive drugs at the same time, the blood pressure drops significantly, and some people experience fatigue, myalgia side effects, serious life-threatening Danger.


span>Berberine: cannot be eaten with tea

Tea water contains about 10% tannin, which is an alkaloid precipitant, which can combine with alkaloids in berberine to form insoluble tannate precipitation, reducing the efficacy of berberine.

Drinking tea should be prohibited within 2 hours before and after taking berberine.


span>Ibuprofen: Avoid coffee

Ibuprofen can stimulate gastric mucosa, and caffeine in coffee will stimulate gastric acid secretion, aggravate the side effects of ibuprofen on gastric mucosa, and even induce Stomach bleeding, gastric perforation.

Precautions for taking medicines

In addition, oral medicines are divided into swallowing, chewing, Different ways of taking it. How should the different types of medicines be used?

1Pills: take with water

Swallow the tablet with warm water. Proper drinking of water can prevent the drug from adhering to the esophagus, causing irritation and injury, and also affecting the efficacy of the drug. Do not swallow dry, or replace water with juices, teas, and beverages.

2Buccal tablets: don’t swallow

Buccals will keep the medicine in your mouth longer, and as saliva melts the tablet, it will soothe the area of ​​action (pharynx or sublingual) little by little. Taking the pills is to “slow” and let the effect of the medicine play slowly.

3Chewable: chew and swallow

The chewable tablet is to grind the medicine with the teeth to promote the absorption of the medicine. For the elderly or children without teeth, you can grind the chewable tablets before feeding them, and the effect is the same.

4Capsules: Capsule shell cannot be removed

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The function of the capsule shell on the outside of the capsule is to allow the drug to reach the further back of the intestine and then be released, or to allow the drug to be released slowly and play a role. Open the capsule and these effects are gone.

5Oral solution: drink like water

Drink with the normal drinking posture, do not pinch the nose for children, it is easy to choke.

It is important to note that oral liquid is a solvent, which is relatively easy to deteriorate.Don’t pay attention to the shelf life, and keep it away from light or refrigerated as the instructions say.

7Syrup: Do not dilute and rinse after drinking Mouth

The reason why syrup medicines are so thick is to make the medicines form a protective film at the site of inflammation to block irritation and relieve cough. Therefore, it cannot be diluted with water before drinking, and it is not recommended to drink a lot of water immediately after drinking the syrup.

However, be sure to rinse your mouth with water after taking the syrup to protect your teeth.

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Qingdao Shiyitang Shinan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: No. 2, Laiwu 1st Road, Shinan District, take bus 1, 221, 225 and get off at Guanxiang Road Station. .

Qingdao Shiyitang Shibei Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: No. 87 Changchun Road, Shibei District, take No. 219, 206, 322, 229, 211, 212, 307, 314, 32 and get off at Hexing Road Station.

Qingdao Shiyitang Dunhua Road Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: No. 23 Dunhua Road, Shibei District, take the bus Bus 19, 119, 211, 314, 322, 368 get off at Dunhua Road Primary School and go straight.

Jinan Shiyitang Huaiyin Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: Jingqi Road, Huaiyin District, Jinan City No. 631-8 (intersection of Jingqi Road and Weijiu Road), take bus No. 102, 104, 125, 19, 205, 29, 76, K96, K92 to Jingqi Road and Wei12 Get off at Road Station and get off at Road North.

Jinan Shiyitang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: 34-23, Jingyi Road, Shizhong District, Jinan City No. (opposite the south gate of Shandong Expressway Arena) , take bus 32, 34, 42, 75, K54; get off at the South Gate of Provincial Gymnasium Station in the west, and get off at New World Mall in the east.