This dish is naturally “high in fiber”, and it is a must with these three methods, the more you eat, the younger you will be

The fungus can be seen everywhere in our life, another name is black fungus.

The nutritional value of fungus is high, which containsrich in cellulose and plant collagen, eating regularly is good for the body and can also reduce fat.

The rare thing is that fungus can be bought in dry vegetable stores all year round. Such an ingredient is very suitable for eating more.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, fungus can clean up the stomach and stomach, and can also prevent and fight cancer. It is a rare good food.

Today, the author recommends 3 ways to eat fungus. If you eat fungus in this way, you can also the younger you eat, the longer you live.

Recommended recipe: Stir fried fungus with lettuce

Ingredients needed: lettuce, carrot, fungus

Seasoning: salt, cooking oil , lard

1. First we prepare a piece of lettuce with skin, then remove the head and tail, remove its outer skin, cut the peeled lettuce into large pieces with an oblique knife, and then Then top knife cut into thick slices.

2. Prepare a small carrot, cut it into thick slices, and wash the cut lettuce with water to prevent the lettuce from oxidizing and effectively remove the bitterness of the lettuce.

3. Prepare a small piece of fungus, soak it in warm water for five minutes in advance, then clean it, tear it into such small pieces, and then cut it into pieces the size of lettuce with a knife.

4. After the lettuce is ready, add water to the pot, then a spoonful of salt and a little cooking oil. After the water boils, pour the fungus into the pot, blanch the fungus for ten seconds in advance, and then pour Add lettuce and carrots.

5. Next, remove the lettuce from the dry water, heat the pot, add a spoonful of lard to the pot, turn on the high heat and burn the oil until it is smoking, pour in the garlic slices and fry until fragrant.

To make this dish, turn on highest heat and stir fry the pan to get out the excess water, stir fry for 30 seconds on high heat, and then come again Season with a little chicken essence, stir fry the lettuce evenly and serve.

Recommended recipe: Fried yam with fungus

Ingredients needed: fungus, yam, green and red pepper, ginger, Carrots

Seasonings: salt, vegetable oil, sugar, water starch

1. First prepare the fungus, add sugar and an appropriate amount of warm water, and cover with a lid.

2. The ingredients are very simple. Prepare some iron yam, cut it into small pieces with a knife, then cut it into diamond-shaped pieces, put it in a bowl for later use, and prepare another one. Root peeled carrots.

3. Cut the knife into thin slices, cut them into a bowl, Then cut some green and red pepper flakes to match the color.

Cut some ginger slices and put them in a bowl, add water to the pot, add some salt to increase the base flavor, and add some white vinegar, which can also keep the color of the vegetables It is green.

4. Add carrots, yam and fungus in sequence, blanch for one minute after boiling, remove and drain the water after blanching.

5. From the pot Add ginger slices and chopped green and red peppers into the oil and stir fry it until it is broken, then add the blanched yam and fungus, add salt to increase the base flavor, a little sugar to make it fresh, stir fry over high heat, Stir the seasoning and stir well.

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6. Add a little water starch, add some thin gravy, add some oil when the pot is about to start, increase the brightness of the dish, and continue to stir fry it for five or six times. Ready to serve, delicious, quick, easy, and nutritious.

Recommended recipe: Agaric Egg Drop Soup

Ingredients needed: Fungus, spring onion, egg

Condiments: salt, starch, sesame oil

1. Remove the roots of the fungus that has been soaked in water, and cut it into shreds; It is cut into pieces; add three or four eggs to the basin, and stir it up;

2. Add water to the pot, add salt, put in the fungus, add water starch to thicken, and skim off the white foam , pour the egg mixture in pieces.

3. Pour the egg liquid into the spoon and pour it out, so as to ensure that the egg flower is very beautiful.

4. Put the prepared soup into a pot, sprinkle with chives, and drizzle some sesame oil.

Agaric fungus and egg drop soup hasnourishing blood, nourishing face and freckle , and the taste is light, it is very suitable for dry spring consumption, and the operation is simple, it is very suitable for eating frequently.

Today, the author recommends these 3 fungus recipes, which are very simple and easy to do. Friends who like it can cook and eat it at home. Welcome to share in the comment area. How do you make fungus.

(Health July Talk Editor: Fish )