Thirty-year-old woman wants to live beautifully

At the age of 30, for a woman, she is no longer a young girl. Most of them are married, with parents on top, children on the bottom, and their own husbands. The role is also played by daughters. Add a wife, daughter-in-law, mother…

Thirty years old is terrible, society is not very friendly to thirty-year-old women, you want to get married and have children, and work cannot be delayed , and sometimes encounter unfair treatment.

Many companies will take actions such as salary reduction, overhead, or even dismissal of female employees because they cannot work or are not conducive to work during pregnancy, thinking that the employee has not been able to provide normal labor. , the pressure is really great, even if the company takes you well, give birth to a child, confinement, your work will be replaced during this time, the project will be handed over to other people, most women will feel more pressure after giving birth.

Then in order to relieve the pressure, we must work hard to integrate into the work, understand the company’s arrangements, and start over. Gold will always shine, be content with the status quo, adapt as soon as possible, and be active with colleagues After all, you haven’t been at work for a few months, and you don’t have as much energy as before. Communicating more with colleagues will definitely help you.

Women are 30, handle family relations well, women in the workplace can discuss with both parents on how to take care of their children, and respect their families, regardless of who gets parents, they are all married is a family. It is everyone’s duty and responsibility to raise and educate the next generation, and parents should not be forced to take care of their children. After all, it is not easy for them to take care of their children for half their lives. No complaints, no negative emotions.

Many women also look after their children, which is also great. Although they can’t make money, the biggest responsibility falls on their shoulders. The company will also be the most precious time for a child to grow up.

Adjust mentality, relieve anxiety, and sort out bad emotions in time. Complain less.

Learn more knowledge in various aspects, improve your ability and pattern thinking, have a common topic with your lover, and make progress together. Always keep the feeling of being in love, and don’t let the trivialities of life make life a piece of shit. A sweeter mouth, hugs, not just words and actions, but also emotional expressions.

Family and prosperity.

Thirty-year-old women should learn to take care of themselves and quit bad habits. As women grow older, ovarian function will gradually decline. After the age of 30, it is recommended that women should live a regular life, ensure good sleep, develop good living habits, and do not smoke and drink excessively. Loving yourself is loving your family.

You have to admit that after the age of 30, your attractiveness depends on your financial resources and self-discipline, as well as your experience over the years. A truly attractive woman will dominate her own destiny in life, adjust her lover’s emotions, and create romance.

I am only thirty, life has just begun, I see a lot, understand a lot, my dreams are still there, and my goals are constantly increasing. Thirty only, come on!