They carry a 60-pound disinfection box and walk tens of thousands of steps a day!

As one of the effective measures to cut off the transmission route of infectious diseases, preventive disinfection plays an important role in epidemic prevention and control. Since April, in light of the current situation and requirements of epidemic prevention and control, Huangpu District has carried out preventive disinfection operations focusing on old communities, and has made every effort to build a community prevention and control barrier through “human-object-environment” prevention.

Carrying a sterilization box of fifty or sixty pounds, walking tens of thousands of steps a day

April 8th, the sky was just bright, in the area of ​​No. 4 Penglai Road, Laoximen Street, 7 members of the company’s volunteer team The name “Dabai” has started a new day of preventive disinfection. On this day, according to the arrangement, they will carry out a comprehensive disinfection and cleaning of the roads and “five small” sanitation facilities in the community, and at the same time, disinfect and kill the domestic garbage in time to ensure that the domestic garbage is “not missed”.

The weather was sultry and hot, carrying a sterilization box weighing 50 to 60 kilograms. The sanitation workers wore protective clothing, and soon they were suffocating and sweating. Since there are dozens of residential buildings collecting domestic garbage, they need to constantly travel between the residential buildings and the unified cleaning and transportation point of the community, which is very hard. “We walk tens of thousands of steps every day now, and even if our feet are swollen, we will still grit our teeth and persevere, because everyone is persevering for the prevention and control of the epidemic.” These days, the biggest expectation of sanitation workers is: “On the day of unblocking, The first thing residents see when they go downstairs is a clean and tidy neighborhood.”

Since April, Huangpu District, in light of the situation and requirements of epidemic prevention and control, has sealed off and controlled residential areas within the area, as well as old residential areas such as directly managed public housing and system public housing. As a key area of ​​disinfection, targeted disinfection should be carried out on corridors, public toilets, elevator rooms, garbage bin rooms, door handles and other high-touch parts and facilities of residents to reduce the risk of infection.

Residential sewers, too An important part of disinfection

The disinfection of sewers in residential areas is not only an important part of epidemic prevention and control, but also a necessary measure to stop the spread of the virus.

In the old city area, Huangpu City Development The Group and the three district property management companies have taken multiple measures to ensure “full coverage, no dead ends, and no blanks” in accordance with the requirements of local disinfection regulations.

Penglai Road, Wenmiao Road, Zhuangjia Street, etc. in the Menghua Street area are all typical second-class old townhouses with outdated facilities. Since the isolation and control, Huangpu Chengfa Group has strictly controlled the disinfection process. , mastered the proportion of disinfectant, and innovated a set of “3+n centralized + decentralized” disinfection workflow to ensure three full coverage in the morning, noon and evening, and a full-process “washing + disinfection” complete set of operations for manhole covers, sewers and surrounding sites.

In the first step, Huangpu District will continue to strengthen the implementation of preventive disinfection work. Each functional department will clarify the division of responsibilities, summarize the task list and points of disinfection in old communities, identify the person in charge of the area, and keep records in the ledger to ensure disinfection tasks. Completed successfully to maximize the safety of the masses and reduce the risk of infection.