They are locked in the control area and can’t get out. They boiled more than 10,000 bags of anti-epidemic Chinese medicine day and night and sent them to the front line.

Weicheng Bencaotang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, located in Weicheng District, Weifang City, has been brewing traditional Chinese medicine preventive decoction day and night since March 11th. By the morning of the 16th, more than 10,000 packets had been brewed. People’s hospitals, communities, etc. are distributed to the front line to help front-line personnel in the fight against the epidemic to improve their resistance to disease and enhance their combat effectiveness.

“Our hospital belongs to the control area, and the staff cannot come in and there is a shortage of staff. Now it’s just me and my family members who are cooking, including my wife, brother, daughter, and two nearby staff. We have already It has been brewing for 4 days and nights without any rest. Now more than 10,000 bags have been brewed, and it is still brewing until the medicine in our library is finished.” said Han Shi’an, director of the hospital, as a Chinese medicine practitioner. People, at this critical moment of the epidemic, we should do our best to demonstrate the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine and make due contributions to the fight against the epidemic.

It is understood that the traditional Chinese medicine preventive decoction is mainly composed of Astragalus, Atractylodes, Fangfeng, Huoxiang, Daqingye, Banlangen, Suye, tangerine peel, Campanulaceae, Licorice, Mint, Divine Comedy, etc., have the effects of invigorating qi and strengthening the surface, regulating qi and stomach, clearing heat and detoxifying, dispelling lung and pharynx. In the spring of 2020, the hospital donated traditional Chinese medicine preventive decoction worth more than 200,000 yuan to the society, and the social response was very good.

(Reported by Dazhong Daily client reporter Tan Diangui)