These unhealthy eating habits in daily life need to be changed

I believe everyone has heard the saying, eat seventy percent full. Some people desperately want to eat back because they are going to a buffet, and stuff a lot into their stomachs. I’m full, and I have to keep going.

Do you know that this is a very unhealthy eating habit. What eating habits should you pay attention to in your daily life? Follow me below to have a look!

What are the bad habits in daily eating habits that need to be paid more attention?

1. Use wrong aluminum products

< p data-track="8">Aluminum can damage the function of memory cells, affect the intellectual development of children, and increase the risk of cognitive impairment in the elderly.

Note: When you use aluminum products, you must pay attention, do not use aluminum products to pack leftovers and acidic foods, such as vinegar, tomatoes, etc., and do not use steel wire Rubbing the aluminum pot with hard objects such as balls will destroy the oxide film on the aluminum product and accelerate the release of aluminum ions.

2. Not enough vegetables

A domestic survey shows that 95.3% of people don’t eat enough vegetables every day. The variety, intake and variety are far from enough, and some people think that fruit can replace vegetables. In fact, the content of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber in most vegetables is higher than that of fruits. The rich plant crude fiber can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, help digestion and prevent cancer.

Recommendation: Eat 500 grams of vegetables every day, preferably roots, stems and leaves , flowers, fruits and fungi and algae and other different species are ingested.

3. Total body water shortage

Studies show that nearly two-thirds of people drink water every day Less than 1200 ml recommended by nutrition experts, there is a collective “water shortage”. And replenishing water can improve the cognitive function of the brain, react faster, and be more energetic.

Suggestions: After getting up in the morning, before going to bed at night, before leaving the office after get off work, after eating salty, half an hour after a meal, after bathing, when constipated, when having a fever, when feeling irritable When the air conditioner is turned on for half an hour, it is the top ten times to drink water.

4. Lazy cleaning of scales in tea

“If you don’t wash the cup when you drink tea, the king of hell will urge you” This saying may be a bit exaggerated, but it reminds everyone that we must not ignore the blue-black tea stain on the teacup. There is theophylline in tea scale. If it is exposed for a long time, it will lead to the residue of aromatic hydrocarbons, which will affect the liver and kidney function and even the hematopoietic system.

Suggestion: After drinking tea, be sure to clean the cup in time, preferably a glass cup, and use toothpaste or salt water when cleaning.

5. Long-term overeating

Studies found that if the elderly eat more than their daily needs energy, doubles the risk of developing memory problems, and may also affect other brain functions. Because after a full meal, the blood volume of the gastrointestinal tract increases, which will lead to a relatively insufficient blood supply to the brain, disrupting the normal physiological metabolism of brain cells.

Suggestion: Stick to eating only 70-80% full, that is, the stomach does not feel full, but the enthusiasm for food has declined.

6. Eat cured and smoked meats frequently

A survey shows that eating too much ( Smoked, cured and other processed meats exceeding 40 grams per day will shorten human lifespan. These meats are high in cholesterol and saturatedFat is easy to block blood vessels, causing coronary heart disease, and the carcinogen nitrite content is high.

Recommendation: The daily intake of processed meat products should be limited to 28 grams. Stewed meat should be the first choice for eating meat, followed by shabu-shabu and steamed meat. White meats such as poultry and fish are lower in fat and healthier than red meats such as pork and beef.

7. Eat salty food often

The taste is heavy, and the sodium intake exceeds the standard, which is easy to cause high blood pressure, edema, etc. In addition to adding less salt when cooking, beware of excessive sodium in some processed foods, such as canned food.