These two habits may lead to heavy moisture in the body. It is recommended to do these two things well, or it can remove the moisture.

Dampness is a Chinese medicine saying that due to various factors, Yang Qi is damaged, resulting in abnormal moisture regulation system in the body. phenomenon caused.

Once there is too much moisture in the body, the health of spleen, gastrointestinal tract, bones, muscles and other parts will be greatly affected, and various diseases will occur. probability will increase relatively.

So no matter what kind of people you are, you must pay attention to the work of preventing moisture. However, many people do not know where the moisture in the body comes from.

Where does the moisture in the body come from?

I. Wrong Eating Habits

Bad eating habits are one of the main causes of excess moisture in the body, such as special liking Eat some meat.

Meat contains a lot of fat and fat, which will increase the fat content in the human body, which will not only lead to obesity > phenomenon, it will also harm the health of the spleen.

The spleen has transportation and chemical functions. Once the health of the spleen is damaged, it will lead to excessive moisture in the body. It can also be caused by eating too many sweet foods.

In addition, many people especially like to eat some cold and cold foods, and iced drinks.

These foods will cause poor blood circulation in the body, which will affect the normal function of the spleen and stomach, and also lead to excessive moisture in the body.

Second, long-term damp and cold

The human body has the ability to adjust itself to external humidity and temperature changes, but if excessive humidity or too cold in an environment for a long time, it will make these >Damp and cold air invades the human body, causing the appearance of excess moisture.

Also, if excessive cold water exposure, such as cold bathing, hair washing, or foot washing , it will cause the excessive consumption of yang energy in the body, and it will also aggravate the phenomenon of moisture.

Then, what should I do when the humidity is too heavy to effectively remove What about humidity?

I. Dietary therapy to remove dampness

For people with excessive humidity, the diet must reducehigh sugar, high salt, high Oil, and raw, cold or spicy foods.

Three meals a day should be light, easy to digest, warm, and eat more foods that have dampness-removing effects.

For example, you can use Barley and Red Chixiaodou with porridge to drink, or you can make some Yam porridge to eat, which has a better spleen-strengthening effect Removing dampness, diuresis and swelling effect.

Other than that, you can also drink it with winter melon rind boiled water, or make some Poria tea. It can effectively remove moisture from the body, and has a relatively good improvement effect on edema caused by excessive moisture.

Two, exercise to remove dampness

wet People with severe gas must do some exercise every day, such as jogging, brisk walking, mountain climbing, cycling, etc.

These aerobic exercises can accelerate the overall blood circulation and promote blood smoothing, so that the excess dampness and coldness in the body can be excreted from the body. Good dehumidification effect.

And proper exercise can improve the spleen’s transport and transformation function, which has the effect of preventing and eliminating moisture.

In other words, if there is excessive moisture in the body, it is generally due to some bad < strong>Dietary habits and environmental factors.

So if you want to avoid excessive humidity, you must avoid these bad factors. For people who have experienced excessive humidity, you can refer to the above 2 points,Can effectively remove excess moisture from the body.

In addition, it is necessary to add some hot water as appropriate, and pay attention to adjusting your work and rest habits, and pay more attention to emotional adjustment.

If the phenomenon of excessive moisture is serious, under the guidance of a doctor, you need to take some drugs for conditioning according to your own symptoms, which can quickly remove excess moisture from the body and achieve protection health effect.