These kinds of foods may increase the incidence of leukemia, so eat less for health

Leukemia is the so-called “blood cancer”. It is a malignant clonal disease of bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells. It ranks sixth in the mortality rate of malignant tumors in my country. It has become one of the diseases that seriously affect health and life safety.

Due to the malignant cloning of hematopoietic stem cells, the normal hematopoietic function is inhibited, manifesting as a series of symptoms such as anemia, infection, and bleeding.

Clinically, leukemia is divided into acute leukemia and chronic leukemia according to the progression of the disease. Acute leukemia progresses rapidly, and the patient is more harmful; chronic leukemia progresses slowly and has a long history.

The current treatment for leukemia is mainly chemotherapy. If there is a suitable match, bone marrow transplantation can also be done. . Bone marrow transplantation is by far one of the most effective treatments for leukemia.

The incidence of leukemia in my country is similar to that in Asian countries, about 2.76 per 100,000 people. Acute leukemia is more common in my country than chronic leukemia. Some, of which acute myeloid leukemia is the most common, with an incidence of 1.62 per 100,000 population.

Acute lymphocytic leukemia followed with an incidence of 0.69 per 100,000 people, and chronic myeloid leukemia The rate is 0.36 per 100,000 people, while chronic lymphocytic leukemia is relatively rare.


Early symptoms of leukemia

1 , Anemia: Anemia is the most common leukemia, and it is also the first symptom, mainly manifested as pale complexion, weakness, sweating, easy to walk around at ordinary times, or shortness of breath and dizziness during exercise symptoms.

2. Fever: Fever is a symptom of leukemia One of the most common symptoms, most of which are the first symptoms of acute leukemia, the highest temperature can reach 38 ℃ ~ 39 ℃, can not be cured for a long time.

3. Bleeding: Bleeding is a common symptom of leukemia. Parts throughout the body, mainly in the nasal cavity, oral cavity, teeth, subcutaneous fundus common, may also have intracranial, inner ear and visceral hemorrhage.

4. Bone and joint pain: Children The common symptoms of acute lymphoblastic leukemia are mostly bone and joint pain, caused by the proliferation of blood cancer cells in the bone marrow.

5. Headache and Vomiting: leukemia cells Manifestations of penetration into the central nervous system.


These kinds of foods may increase the incidence of leukemia. For health, eat less


Life in Vietnam More and more children are suffering from leukemia, which may be related to the intake of too much formaldehyde in the body.

Many common foods in daily life contain a lot of formaldehyde. love to eat. In the process of making vermicelli, merchants will add a lot of additives and formaldehyde in order to prolong the shelf life of vermicelli and improve the taste.

If you often buy vermicelli of substandard quality for your children, it may lead to the intake of a large amount of formaldehyde, which will accumulate in the body, seriously endangering health, and increasing the risk of leukemia over time.

Preserved Foods p>

Especially in some pickled foods, there will be a lot of nitrite, which is also a strong carcinogen.

So the simple leftovers in the refrigerator are also the source of formaldehyde release, so for the sake of your health, you’d better stay away from them and keep the refrigerator clean. p>

And leftovers like this, it’s best not to put them in the refrigerator, which may reduce the damage to your body, I hope you know.

—Frozen Shrimp

< span>With the continuous improvement of living standards, all kinds of seafood are constantly appearing on people’s dining table. Most people like to eat seafood in summer, and some teenagers and children have a very large demand for prawns Yes.

Seafood products are mainly produced in coastal areas, while shrimp, crabs and other seafood purchased in inland areas are all transported under frozen conditions. Large amounts of chemicals remain in the product.

If this frozen seafood product is eaten for a long time, it will bring great harm to our health and make the body The immune system is virtually destroyed, and it also increases the incidence of blood system diseases, including leukemia, which is a serious threat to children’s health.

——Baby Dish

When you go shopping in the supermarket, you will find that the baby vegetables on the shelves are always so fresh, and the baby vegetables are also very popular with the public.

However, the shelf life of baby vegetables is generally relatively short, and many merchants will sell them in baby vegetables. The surface is sprayed with a layer of formaldehyde to increase its preservation time.

If people often eat this formaldehyde-treated baby vegetable, it will increase a lot of burden on various organs of the body. Leukemia will quietly approach you.


Lychees are very delicious and sweet to eat. Usually, many women like to eat some lychees. In fact, eating lychees properly is good for the body. The water and sugar content in lychees are relatively high. Regular consumption can beautify the skin and protect everyone’s health.

But children should eat less lychees, because lychees use a lot of medicines to ensure freshness Soaking, soaking lychees into the human body will increase the risk of cancer, which is very harmful to everyone’s body.


How to prevent leukemia?

1.Learn drugs, try to avoid the use of chemical drugs, and also pay attention to enhance physical fitness, reasonable diet, prevent virus infection, and reduce the occurrence of leukemia.

2. The diet must be paid attention to, the thickness and thickness are matched, and the nutrition is rich, such as eating lean meat animal liver in moderation, Iron-rich foods such as beans, kelp, seaweed, fungus, mushrooms, etc.

3. Pay attention to the following symptoms: fever and infection for more than a week; Anemia; unexplained bleeding from the skin and gums.


Read More – Can Leukemia Spread to Others?

Dr.: Leukemia is not contagious.

Leukemia is not an infectious disease, and the virus that causes leukemia cannot spread in humans, so leukemia It is not contagious, and you will not be infected with leukemia if you get along with people with leukemia.

There are many people with leukemia. People who work in radiation for a long time are very likely to get leukemia and do radiation work. People who have been exposed to radiation for a long time are prone to blood diseases such as leukemia.

Because radiation will destroy the function of human hematopoietic cells, resulting in a sharp decrease in the number of red blood cells in the human body, making people sick , Because people who have been engaged in radiation work for a long time should pay special attention to protecting their bodies and try not to be exposed to radiation to avoid leukemia.

Inheritance is also a major cause of leukemia. There are elders who have had leukemia in the family. It is very likely that one generation will develop leukemia. Because there are leukemia patients in the family, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time to check whether it is caused by genetics. Only in this way can better treatment be achieved.

There is a leukemia patient in the family, the family must take good care of the patient and do not worry about being infected with leukemia, because leukemia is not contagious Sexually, giving more care and care to leukemia patients can better help leukemia patients improve their condition and help leukemia patients recover as soon as possible.