These high-salt foods are quietly hurting your stomach! But there are always people who think it’s bland

Delicious soup, takeaway on weekdays, hot pot barbecue on weekends, small snacks at work…

Are they all fragrant and delicious?

But these delicacies have one thing in common – high salt!

(Source: Internet)

High “salt” foods are delicious, dangerous, and good at hiding.

Many delicacies that are considered bland have a lot of salt hidden “insidiously”.

Why avoid high-salt foods? Which foods are secretly salty? What are some tips for reducing salt? Let’s look down~

World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research have found that increasing salt intake increases the risk of stomach cancer.

The daily intake of 1 gram of sodium can increase the risk of gastric cancer by 18%, and the more sodium intake, the greater the harm to the human body [1].

Long-term high salt intake can lead to direct gastric mucosal damage, extensive diffuse congestion, edema, erosion, ulcers and other pathological changes, Make gastric mucosal cells at risk of cancerous development;

Excessive intake of salt will also reduce gastric acid secretion, thereby inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandin E, reducing the defense ability of gastric mucosa, increasing gastric lesions and risk of gastric cancer.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

In addition, high salt intake increases the risk of stroke and hypertension, while lower salt (sodium) intake Infusion can lower blood pressure [2].

In daily life, the daily salt intake should not exceed 6 grams (the common salt-limiting spoon specification on the market is 2g, and the daily salt consumption per person should not exceed 6 grams per day. 3 scoops).

For people with high blood pressure, salt intake should be reduced to 3 grams per day (that is, no more than 1 half scoop).

(Source: Internet)

However, salt control is not as simple as eating less “salty”, but also be careful to avoid “invisible salt” in food!

It is not salty foods that are “high salt”. Some foods look bland, but they don’t taste salty at all, but they actually contain a lot of salt!

For example, Jiuzhi Huamei tastes very sour; bread, tastes not salty; vermicelli, very light.

But like many processed foods, salt is added during processing.

And for condiments, it is not only salt that contains sodium, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and even tomato sauce are also high in sodium, so you should pay special attention.

Some preserved foods (such as pickles, pickles, cured meats) are also high-salt (sodium) foods.

Before buying food, remember to read the Nutrition Label/Nutrition Facts Table. Foods with a sodium content of more than 30% NRV (Nutrient Reference Value) need to be vigilant.

(Source: Internet)

Because there are too many hidden high-sodium foods, Zhimei specially prepared a very common high-sodium food list, which can help everyone avoid lightning accurately.

Although it is difficult to completely avoid high-sodium foods, you can eat as little as possible and save them quickly~

After getting used to high-sodium foods and suddenly starting to eat less salt, it is inevitable that you will feel that your mouth has no taste. But if you master the following tips[2], it is not so difficult to eat less salt:

1. Cultivate light taste

Less takeout, eat less takeout, and choose less of the high-sodium foods mentioned above. You can try to control the frequency, don’t eat every day, cook more by yourself.

2. Gradually reduce the amount of salt

Salt reduction should be gradual. According to the current amount of salt, gradually reduce it every day, and finally reach the goal of no more than 6 grams per day.

3. Use fresh ingredients and a variety of cooking methods

Eating vegetables with strong flavor, such as tomatoes, onions, etc., can be used to enhance the taste of dishes and reduce the amount of salt.

Use steaming, roasting, boiling and other cooking methods to enjoy the natural taste of food. Not every dish needs salt. For stewed and boiled dishes, due to the large amount of soup, it is necessary to pay more attention to less salt.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

4. For fear of cooking “tasteless”, try the alternative method

Use vinegar, lemon juice, spices, ginger and other seasonings when cooking to enhance the flavor of the dish and replace some of the salt and soy sauce.

You can also use natural seasonings such as Zanthoxylum, star anise, chili, spring onion, ginger, garlic.

5. Moderate amount of meat

Meat is cooked with more salt. Moderate consumption can reduce salt intake.

6. Use high potassium and low sodium salts

It can be used by those at higher risk of high blood pressure to meet salty taste needs while reducing sodium intake.

Reducing salt is actually not that difficult

Low salt, you can also eat a lot of delicious food

And long-term adherence can also keep away from many diseases

I wish you here

Healthy life and delicious food~


Lin Chen| Dietitian, Department of Clinical Nutrition, Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University


[1] World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research. Food, nutrition and the prevention of cancer: a global perspective. Washington (DC): American Institute for Cancer Research: 2007.

[2] Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) [M]. People’s Health Publishing House, 2016.

[3]He FJ, Li J, Macgregor GA. Effect of longer term modest salt reduction on

blood pressure: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. BMJ, 2013.346:f1325.

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