These good eating habits help you eat healthy

Original title: These good dietary habits help you eat healthy

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Xinhua News Agency reporter Wen Jinghua

May 15th to 21st is National Nutrition Week. Make better use of food, reduce oil and salt in cooking, and enjoy the natural taste of food.

How to plan our diet is the most reasonable? How to choose ingredients with high nutritional value to cook healthy and delicious food? Nutrition experts give advice.

Will choose: five principles help you know and choose food

“The human body needs more than 40 kinds of nutrients and some other dietary components to maintain health, which requires us to base on the nutritional value of different foods. Reasonable collocation.” Liu Ailing, a researcher at the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, recommends that you consume at least 12 kinds of grains, potatoes, vegetables and fruits, fish, poultry, meat, eggs, and milk beans and nuts every day, and at least 25 kinds of food per week.

Liu Ailing introduced that five principles should be followed when purchasing food:

First, choose more fresh and natural foods, and less processed foods such as pickles, canned fruits, and canned meat;


The second is to choose foods with high nutrient density, such as colorful fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, lean meat, aquatic products, whole grains, etc.; During the mature period, nutrients can be retained to the greatest extent, fresh and better in taste, and it can also reduce microbial contamination and energy consumption during transportation;

Fourth, use nutrition labels to select pre-packages with low oil, salt, and sugar Food;

The fifth is to consider the cost and not to hoard food too much. “We must also firmly believe that when purchasing, expensive does not mean high nutritional value. Many high-quality and inexpensive foods are already very rich in their own nutritional value.”

Will see: food nutrition labels have a way< /p>

When choosing prepackaged foods, what should the nutrition label look like? Fan Yongxiang, deputy director of the National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, introduced that special attention should be paid to product ingredient lists and nutritional ingredients.

“It is recommended to remember a principle when looking at the ingredient list: according to the standard requirements, the ingredient list should be arranged in descending order of the added amount, and the top ones must be the main raw materials of this product.” Fan Yongxiang said.

In addition, experts advise, also pay attention to the existence of “invisible sodium”. The dietary guidelines recommend that the average daily salt intake for adults should not exceed 5 grams, which is about 2,000 mg of sodium.

Skilled in cooking: more whole grains, less oil and salt

The Scientific Research Report on Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2021) shows that the consumption of grains and miscellaneous beans by Chinese residents is high. Intakes are trending down, but are still the main source of energy; other grains and beans are lower than recommended in the Dietary Guidelines.

Chang Cuiqing, vice chairman of the Chinese Nutrition Society, said that whole grains contain B vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and other nutrients, which play an important role in preventing obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. The more refined the grain, the more nutrients are lost. Excessive intake of polished rice flour, white bread, etc. will increase the risk of chronic diseases.

The dietary guidelines recommend eating more whole grains, soybeans, and vegetables, and cooking with less salt and less oil. How to implement a good diet on the table, so that the deliciousness is not reduced and the health is doubled?

Fan Zhihong, an associate professor at the Department of Nutrition and Health of China Agricultural University, introduced that refrigerating and soaking the grains in advance, or cooking the grains for half an hour before adding white rice, can produce grains with a combination of thickness and thickness, moderate hardness and softness. Multigrain porridge. You can also mix whole wheat flour, multigrain flour and white flour to make pasta, and add some chopped nuts and dried fruit to enrich the taste.

Eat more vegetables and less salt to make them delicious. “Less salt is not about giving up seasoning. You can use vinegar, lemon juice, curry powder, crushed cumin, pepper and other spices instead of salt, which can not only season, but also increase the supply of antioxidants and trace elements.” Fan Zhihong said. (According to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 15)