These 7 kinds of leucorrhea abnormalities in women indicate that you have a gynecological disease

Leucorrhea is a normal physiological feature of women, which is mainly divided into pathological and physiological. Under normal circumstances, the leucorrhea is white paste or egg white-like, and has no odor. The color, quantity and texture of pathological leucorrhea are changed to varying degrees.

What is the abnormal vaginal discharge?

1. Foamy leucorrhea

In addition to increased leucorrhea, it is often accompanied by vaginal and genital itching. If the purulent bacteria are combined and infected, the leucorrhea appears yellow pus-like and foamy, which suggests Trichomonas vaginitis.

2, purulent leucorrhea

The leucorrhea is yellow or green in color and has a foul odor, indicating an infection in the reproductive organs. When genital infection occurs, inflammatory exudates, pus cells and necrotic epithelial cells may appear, coupled with bacterial action, resulting in changes in leucorrhea, such as chronic cervicitis, trichomonas vaginitis and endometritis. .

3. No transparent sticky leucorrhea

The sudden increase in the amount of leucorrhea is like egg white or slightly cloudy, often accompanied by backache, usually after chronic cervicitis and application of estrogen.

4. Tofu-like leucorrhea

There are white lumps like tofu residue in the leucorrhea. The white substance is attached to the vaginal wall and is not easy to fall off. It is often accompanied by local itching, and it is necessary to be alert to fungal vaginitis.

5. Bloody Leucorrhea

Blood Leucorrhea is the leucorrhea with blood in it, and you need to be alert to cervical cancer and malignant tumors. Some benign lesions also appear bloody leucorrhea, such as severe chronic cervicitis, cervical polyps and submucosal fibroids. In addition, bloody leucorrhea occurs when the IUD is placed, which is a common side effect.

6, leucorrhea reduction

leucorrhea Vaginal dryness, loss of libido, vaginal burning and pain, and discomfort during sexual intercourse, along with restlessness, weakness in the lower extremities, and dizziness and ringing in the ears, are seen in those with a marked reduction or deficiency.

7, yellow watery leucorrhea

The leucorrhea is yellow in color, often soaking through the underwear, and has a foul smell. It is usually caused by the degeneration and necrosis of the diseased tissue. Submucosal Fibroids and Cervical Cancer.


Women should pay attention to the texture, color and volume of leucorrhea, odor and genital itching. When the vaginal discharge is large, it will stimulate the vulva, causing genital itching and redness. Local cleaning and hygiene should be done at this stage. , Change the perineal pad frequently to reduce the stimulation of secretions to the vulva. Choose cotton underwear with better breathability, avoid tights or nylon underwear. When suffering from vaginal infection, follow the doctor’s advice and use prescription drugs, even if the symptoms disappear Afterwards, you should follow the course of medication to consolidate the therapeutic effect. Please wear condoms during sex.