These 7 common health teas should not be drunk indiscriminately. The more you drink carefully, the worse your health! Many people have been caught

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Guan Fang

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like to drink health tea for health

But does health tea have to be healthy?

Not necessarily!

Drinking tea should pay attention to physical fitness and methods

Only drinking the right tea can play a real health-preserving role

Drinking the wrong one instead Harmful to the body!

Which common health teas will hurt the body when drinking the wrong one?

The small circle will take you to find out!

Lin Yanzhao

Pre-treatment Center of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chief TCM Physician

1. Wolfberry and chrysanthemum tea

Benefits:Lycium barbarum and chrysanthemum tea is sweet and refreshing, enters the liver meridian, and improves eyesight. Chrysanthemum is slightly cold in nature and has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying.

Adapt to the crowd: Both soaking in water is very useful for modern people who often use mobile phones and computers It has a good effect of clearing the head and removing fire, and also has a certain therapeutic effect on insomnia and headache caused by wind-heat cold, high blood pressure.

These people can easily hurt their health if they drink it: It is not suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency, yang deficiency and heavy dampness It is also not suitable for menstruating women and people with colds and colds. This is because although chrysanthemum clears heat and removes fire, it is bitter and cold in nature.

Second, rose tea

Rose tea has the functions of soothing the liver and regulating qi, relieving blood and dissipating blood stasis, and beautifying the face.

Applicable to the crowd: Rose tea is more suitable for women, and it is more suitable for those who are not feeling well.

These people can easily hurt their health if they drink it: It should be used with caution for those with yin deficiency and excessive heat. Another view is that rose tea contains tannic acid, which combines with protein in food to form tannic acid protein that is not easy to digest and absorb, which may lead to constipation. Moreover, rose tea is a warm herbal drink, and drinking too much can easily lead to aggravation of yin fire.

Usage:Daily use boiling water to brew 3 to 5 dry roses, or put them in Jujube can be drunk with black tea or green tea according to the constitution.

Three, Longan and Red Dates Tea

Jujube is warm and sweet in taste, invigorating the middle and nourishing qi, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, used for adjuvant treatment of weak spleen and stomach, anemia and cold, loss of appetite, fatigue, loss of body fluid, palpitations and insomnia. Longan is warm, nourishing blood and calming the nerves, strengthening the brain and nourishing the heart and spleen, and has a good curative effect on insomnia, palpitations, neurasthenia, memory loss, anemia, etc.

Adapted to the crowd:The combination of the two can play a role in righting, suitable for people with insufficient qi and blood drink.

These people are easy to hurt themselves after drinking: Longyuan and red dates tea, which contains high natural sugar, bloating and bloating , Hyperacidity, diabetic patients should not drink, also need not eat when getting angry.

Usage:The meat of longan is warm in nature, and it is easy to get angry when eating. Broken and soaked together, you can neutralize the anger brought by eating longan meat.

Four. Honeysuckle tea

Benefits: >Honeysuckle is cold in nature and sweet in taste.

Applicable to the crowd: Liver fire is relatively strong, people who often get angry can take it, because honeysuckle tea is relatively Cold, people with other constitutions are not recommended to drink for a long time.

These people can easily hurt their health if they drink it: Patients with dysmenorrhea and those with deficient constitution should avoid taking it as much as possible. Most patients with sore throat belong to virtual fire, and honeysuckle is mainly used to treat real fire, so it is recommended for such patients to drink raw licorice in water instead.

Five, fat sea tea

Pang Dahai is cold in nature, acts on the lung meridian, and is good at clearing the throat.

Adapted to the crowd:Pang Dahai is only suitable for hoarseness caused by wind-heat evil poison invading the throat. Hoarseness caused by vocal cord nodules, insufficiency of vocal cord closure, or excessive smoking and alcohol use is ineffective.

These people can easily hurt their health if they drink it: People with spleen deficiency and stomach cold should not drink it, otherwise it will aggravate the growth of cold in the human body. Even for symptomatic pharyngitis patients, 1 to 2 weeks of Pang Dahai tea is enough. Taking too much will damage the yang qi and affect the digestive function. To relieve throat discomfort, smoking cessation is more useful than soaking in fat seas.

Six, mint tea

Mint is cool in nature and acrid in taste.

Applicable to the crowd: Peppermint tea is suitable for people with heat, headache, boredom, red eyes and swollen throat, People with symptoms such as lethargy and loss of appetite drink.

These people can easily hurt their health when they drink it: Mint consumes more gas and sweats, so it is deficient and sweats too much should not drink too much.

Usage:Mint is generally not recommended to be used alone, and needs to be used in combination with other medicinal materials. When fresh mint leaves are not available, dried mint leaves are also available.

Seven, Cassia tea

Benefits: >Casamine has the functions of clearing liver and improving eyesight, reducing blood pressure and laxative.

These people can easily hurt their health if they drink it: Casamine is slightly cold and has the effect of promoting defecation. People who are prone to diarrhea and stomach pain should not take it. Female friends are not recommended to drink in large quantities for a long time, because it may affect fertility and menstrual regularity.

Note:Even if it is suitable for people, it is not recommended to drink it regularly for a long time. It is recommended to drink 2 to 3 times a week. times.

What should I pay attention to when drinking health tea?

1. Health tea should be prepared according to specific symptoms and physical characteristics to achieve health care.

2. Health tea is biased like traditional Chinese medicine. Long-term drinking compatibility should take into account Yin and Yang, and take it under the guidance of professional traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.

3. Health tea can generally only play a role in regulating symptoms, and it is difficult to play a role in improving physical fitness. Just like some people suffer from many underlying diseases, they need to use traditional Chinese medicine to treat the disease. It is far from enough to rely on health tea.

4. The water temperature of drinking tea is very important. Tea is generally brewed with high temperature water, but it cannot be drunk when the water temperature is too hot. The best tea temperature is between 56 ℃ ~ 60 ℃, which is more beneficial to health. If the water temperature is too high, the esophageal mucosa is susceptible to chronic thermal damage, which increases the risk of cancer after long-term damage.

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The cleaner the tongue, the better? wrong! May imply that you are “illness-ridden”!

A healthy tongue coating actually looks like this…

Chief Editor|Guan Fang

Editor|Zhao Koukou


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