These 6 things are not “friendly” to the stomach, quickly remove these foods from the table and protect the stomach

The stomach is a relatively powerful organ, and when healthy, almost any food can be digested by stomach acid. But the stomach is not invincible, and there are things to be afraid of. The more it occupies, the worse the stomach is. Therefore, keep away from the things that the stomach is afraid of. Only in this way will the stomach become healthier and the health of the human body can be guaranteed. After all, the normal functioning of each organ requires nutrition to support it.

What is the scariest thing in the stomach?

1. Fear of hot

Some people like to eat hot food, especially in winter, such as Malatang, barbecue, hot pot, etc. In fact, this way of eating is very detrimental to the health of the stomach. The highest temperature that the stomach can withstand is 50~60°C. Once the temperature of the food exceeds this degree, the stomach will be burned, the gastric mucosa will be ulcerated, and of course the esophagus will also be damaged on the way. In severe cases, it will increase the risk of cancer, so try not to eat food with a temperature higher than 50~60℃.

2. Fear of saving

Saving is a traditional virtue, but if you save too much, It will cause damage to the stomach. For example, many people have the habit of eating leftovers, and some people are reluctant to throw rotten and spoiled food. These foods contain certain carcinogens, such as nitrite and Aspergillus flavus. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid leftovers and moldy food at ordinary times. This saving is not good for health.

3. Afraid to sit

White-collar workers are more likely to suffer from stomach problems because they are often sedentary. The stomach can digest food through peristalsis and transport the nutrients in the food to the whole body excessively. If you sit for a long time, the peristalsis speed of the stomach will slow down, which will have an adverse effect on digestion, especially sitting still after a meal. , it will make people dizzy and hypoxia due to insufficient blood supply, so no matter what work you do, you must make time for exercise.

4. Fear of alcohol

Drinking regularly has become the norm for many people, and some People are for entertainment, and some people are purely habitual, but they do not know that frequent drinking will cause irritation to the gastric mucosa, causing the gastric mucosa to secrete more gastric acid, which will damage the gastric wall. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid frequent drinking, especially to avoid drinking on an empty stomach.

5. Fear of fullness

Some people are always unable to resist delicious food. No matter what food they eat, they will be very full. However, they do not know that such a eating habit will make the gastrointestinal tract heavier and increase the probability of indigestion. In severe cases, it will also cause stomach problems, so it is advisable to eat seven or eight minutes at every meal.

6. Fear of cold

The stomach makes a part that likes heat and is afraid of cold, When attacked by cold, the stomach will cramp, and it is easy to have insufficient blood supply. Over time, it will lead to gastric atrophy. Therefore, you should usually eat food at 35-40 °C, and make it well during the cold winter solstice. The warm work of the abdomen.

Message from the doctor

There is something to fear in the stomach , but also have favorite things, such as food and drinks with a suitable temperature, chewing slowly, light food, and clean food. Therefore, we usually eat food with a suitable temperature, and develop the habit of chewing slowly. At the same time, the diet should be as light as possible, avoiding salty, sweet and sour food. At the same time, the food should be thoroughly cooked before cooking. Wash, and wash and sanitize hands and utensils before eating.

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