These 6 kinds of nuts are eaten right for health, and wrong to “recover”! See the whole family benefit!

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Guan Fang

CCTV-1 “Life Circle” New Media Editor-in-Chief

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When it comes to healthy snacks

Nuts are definitely on the list

Many circle friends I like to eat nuts

I think nuts can protect the heart, brain, and anti-aging

But do you know?

Although nuts are good, not everyone can eat them

If you eat them incorrectly

not only do you not maintain health, but you may even “recover from illness”

What are the benefits of common nuts in life?

What are the food taboos?

Follow the small circle to learn more about it!

Lin Yanzhao

Pre-treatment Center of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chief TCM Physician

I. Walnut

Eat the right health care: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that walnuts are sweet, warm in nature, slightly bitter, and can invigorate the kidneys, strengthen the essence and strengthen the waist, warm the lungs and relieve asthma , Runchang laxative. Its kidney-tonifying and brain-tonifying effect makes walnut a therapeutic agent for neurasthenia.

Dizziness, insomnia, palpitations, forgetfulness, loss of appetite , waist and knee soreness, general weakness and other symptoms of the elderly, eat 1 to 2 walnuts every morning and evening, can play a nourishing therapeutic effect.

< strong>Eating the wrong “rehabilitation”: Walnuts are hot, eat more raw phlegm and become irritable. Phlegm yellow, fever, asthma, irritability, nausea, yin deficiency and fire, and stool caused by excessive phlegm and fire People with looseness and nosebleeds should eat less or fast walnuts.

Second, chestnut

0 /img>Eat the right health care: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that chestnuts are sweet, warm in nature, return to the spleen, stomach, and kidney meridians, and can strengthen the spleen, nourish the stomach, and invigorate the kidney. The effect of strengthening the waist. Modern nutrition studies believe that chestnuts contain a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids that have protective effects on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. Its high calcium, magnesium and potassium content and low sodium content are also very beneficial to health.

Eating the wrong “recovery”: Chestnuts are high in calories, usually per 100 grams of cooked chestnuts The calorie content can be as high as 214 kcal. Those who need to control their weight or have high blood sugar should pay attention to their food intake.

Note:< /span>Generally speaking, it is enough to eat 3 to 5 a day. If chestnuts are added to the meal, remember to appropriately reduce the intake of the staple food.

Three , sunflower seeds

Eat it right: Sunflower seeds are one of the foods with the most vitamin E content. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which helps to inhibit the production of free radicals, improve blood circulation, and reduce the production of wrinkles, so that the skin becomes firm and elastic, which can delay aging to a certain extent.

Sunflower seeds are also rich in B vitamins, which help to stabilize emotions, improve symptoms such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, and enhance memory.

Eating the wrong “recovery”: It is not advisable to consume sunflower seeds in excess; people with hepatitis are not recommended to eat sunflower seeds.

Note: Bulk seeds are susceptible to damp and mildew, and may produce highly toxic aflatoxins. If you eat moldy or bitter melon seeds, be sure to spit them out and rinse your mouth. If a few melon seeds are moldy, it is best to throw away the whole package, because Aspergillus flavus is spread in the form of spores, and food is easily involved in moldy, but it is not visible to the naked eye.

Four. Peanuts

eat right /strong>Peanuts contain a lot of vitamins, trace elements, protein and crude fiber, which can promote metabolism and increase cell vitality.

The unique phytic acid, phytosterols and other special substances in peanuts can increase the toughness of the intestines. Helps strengthen the gut.

The flavonoids contained in peanuts, such as folic acid, resveratrol, vitamin B3, etc., can improve human brain circulation, strengthen the brain, and reduce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. .

Peanut peel can promote the formation of platelets and has the effect of hemostasis. It is very suitable for patients with menopausal bleeding, heavy menstrual flow and blood loss.

Eating the wrong “rehabilitation”: People with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have more active platelets and do not It is too suitable to eat peanut skins in large quantities, so as not to increase the risk of blood clots.

V. Pistachios

       =”600″ Pistachios are rich in vitamins, folic acid, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and calcium and other nutrients, as well as rich in niacin, pantothenic acid and other substances, which can protect eyesight, delay aging, and regulate immunity strength and other benefits.

Eating the wrong “recovery”: Pistachio nuts are high in calories, and people who lose weight should pay attention to control consumption.

Note: When buying pistachios, try to choose the original flavor, less additives, and simple processing.

Six, pumpkin seeds

“>width /img>Eat the right health: Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein, B vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium, zinc, etc. Eating more pumpkin seeds can also effectively prevent prostatitis.

Eating the wrong “rehabilitation”: People with oral ulcers and gingivitis are not suitable for eating pumpkin Seeds, as pumpkin seeds consume saliva and dry out the mouth.

Note: Due to the fact that pumpkin seeds are easy to stick to dust during the production process, it is not clean, and pumpkin seeds cannot be Wash, so for personal hygiene, it is best to eat pumpkin seeds with your hands.

Pro tips

Nuts are not as good as a cure for a certain disease, but far from effect and cannot be used as a substitute for drugs. In order to be healthy, we must focus on the whole food, comprehensive and balanced nutrition is the key, and do not deify a single ingredient. In addition to this, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also important.

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The cleaner the tongue coating, the better? wrong! May imply that you are “sick”!

A healthy tongue coating actually looks like this…

Editor-in-Chief|Guan Fang

Editor|Zhao Koukou

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