These 6 bad habits are emptying your kidneys!

“Kidney Health” has always been a topic of great interest to everyone.

Especially for men, you can say that he is not handsome, but absolutely cannot say that his kidneys are not good, otherwise he will be anxious with you every minute.

Actually, most people’s kidneys are not as healthy as they think they are.

According to the data published by the international authoritative journal “The Lancet”, the incidence rate of chronic kidney disease in my country is 10.8%, and the That is, on average 1 in 10 people has chronic kidney disease.

What’s more scary is that about 90% of people I don’t know that my kidney has a problem. Once it is found that it has reached the middle and late stage, the best treatment time is delayed.

Because the human kidney does not have pain nerves, we do not feel pain even if we are sick, so it is easy to be ignored.

However, although the kidneys don’t cry out in pain, they send out a distress signal!


Body edema

The kidney is an important organ for us to metabolize water. If the kidney is not healthy and the body water cannot be discharged in time, it is easy to appear edema. Happening.

If you wake up in the morning with edema in the eyelids, feet, legs or even the whole body, there will be pits after pressing and it will not recover for a long time, you must pay attention Is there a problem with the kidneys!


abnormal urine< /p>

Healthy kidneys should excrete yellow or yellow urine, clear and less foamy.

If the urine is:


It may be a kidney disease, which affects the metabolic function, resulting in abnormal urination symptoms. It is recommended to go to the hospital for examination in time.


Increased blood pressure

The kidneys are An important organ that regulates blood pressure in the human body, impaired renal function will lead to the retention of water and sodium in the body and increase the blood volume, thereby causing high blood pressure.

In addition, the kidneys are important endocrine organs. Unhealthy kidneys and hormonal imbalances in the body can also increase blood pressure. .

If you have no high blood pressure at ordinary times and suddenly high blood pressure, be alert that it may be renal hypertension.


not right


The kidney is the most important detoxification organ in the human body. When there is a problem with the kidney, the body produces waste toxinsIf it cannot be discharged in time, accumulation will form.

And the accumulation of these toxins can cause excessive fatigue, malaise, bad breath, nausea, loss of appetite in the body.

When toxins accumulate in the body’s internal organs and under the dermis, dry and itchy skin may also occur.


anemia p>

The kidneys do a lot of work, and it is also responsible for secreting erythropoietin, which promotes the production of red blood cells.

If the kidneys are not good, the synthesis of erythropoietin is insufficient, and the red blood cells decrease, which will result in renal anemia.

You may experience dizziness, decreased concentration, memory, and thinking skills.

Although these symptoms are typical of kidney abnormalities, further examination is required to determine whether they are Really have kidney disease.

Urine routine

The most commonly used and most economical means of examination, mainly to see if there is proteinuria and hematuria, and diabetic patients also need to see proteinuria and hematuria strong>Urine glucose and urine ketones.

•renal function test

blood test, kidney function test by test , such as blood urea nitrogen, blood creatinine, blood uric acid, glomerular filtration rate, etc., can judge whether there is a problem with renal function.

Urinary Ultrasound

One of the most commonly used methods for the diagnosis of clinical kidney disease .

Can directly observe kidney size, position, shape and internal structure, understand the nature of renal masses, and detect renal cysts, Kidney tumors, kidney stones, hydronephrosis and other diseases.

It is recommended that ordinary people annual physical examination, people with chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, Examination every 3 months to half a year.

In addition to early detection, early treatment, and regular physical examination, any disease is the earliest Good treatment!

Drink less water and eat less

Too much salt

Drinking enough water will reduce the amount of urine and increase the concentration of wastes and toxins in the urine, which can easily lead to kidney stones, kidney Kidney diseases such as stagnant water.

95% of the salt in our diet is metabolized by the kidneys, eating too much salt, sodium Ions will leave a large amount of water in the blood, which will increase the burden on the kidneys, increase blood pressure, and induce kidney disease.


holding urine for a long time

Many people habitually hold back their urine because of work or study.

If urine stays in the bladder for too long, it is easy for bacteria to multiply and lead to infection of the urinary tract.

holding back urine for a long time may cause inflammation of the urinary system, reflux of urine, and hydronephrosis and stones , affecting renal function.

Excessive drinking

Alcohol will affect the body’s nitrogen balance, increase the breakdown of protein, increase the level of urea nitrogen in the blood, and increase the burden on the kidneys , induce kidney disease.

If you already suffer from kidney disease and drink a lot of alcohol, it will also cause uric acid deposition to block the renal tubules and cause kidney failure.

strong >

Smoking not only damages the lungs, but also the kidneys.

In a previous JAHA study, smokers had an 83% greater reduction in kidney function overall than non-smokers.

Smoking slows the blood supply to the kidneys. Impair the normal functioning of the kidneys. Harmful substances in tobacco need to be filtered and metabolized by the kidneys, which also brings great harm to the kidneys.

Drugs p>

The kidney is an important organ for drug metabolism and excretion. Taking drugs without the guidance of a doctor can easily cause irreversible damage to the kidneys.

Especially stopspain medicines, antibiotics, traditional Chinese medicines containing aristolochic acid, etc., be sure to follow the doctor’s advice . Don’t eat herbs or health supplements indiscriminately, which may damage kidney health.

Gluttony strong>

Excessive diet and eating too much fish and meat will produce a large amount of metabolic wastes such as uric acid and urea nitrogen, which will put kidneys in a state of “overload” strong>.

Long-term overeating can also induce hypertension and diabetes, which can also damage the kidneys and lead to secondary nephropathy.

The kidney is the foundation for maintaining human health, and once it is overdrawn, back.

So in daily life, you must develop good diet and living habits, protect the kidneys, and don’t mess with it.


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