These 5 symptoms appear in the body, not aging, but a signal of disease! don’t take it seriously

With age, various organs gradually age, and the function of tissues and organs also declines. Some symptoms are often mistaken for aging, but in fact, it is very likely to be a disease.

Which conditions are not aging, but diseases?

1, runny nose, expectoration, blood in sputum

If the elderly have recurrent sputum Snot and expectoration with blood in the sputum, this symptom lasts for a long time, and a skull base tumor should be highly suspected. Usually suffering from inflammation and dry mucous membranes, it is easy to cause bleeding in the nasal cavity and throat, which can be relieved by active treatment.

The bleeding caused by the tumor lasts for a long time, and is often accompanied by nasal congestion on one side, headache, decreased vision, facial numbness, projectile vomiting, and loss of smell.

Once the elderly have the above symptoms, it is necessary to go to the hospital for relevant examinations as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis . After being diagnosed with a skull base tumor, endoscopic minimally invasive therapy and ionizing radiation therapy can be used.

2. Blood in leucorrhea, lower abdominal pain

Senior women suddenly develop local Organ bleeding, the amount of bleeding, blood color and accompanying symptoms are abnormal; leucorrhea is watery or rice-soup-like, blood in the leucorrhea with foul odor; lower abdominal pain, abdominal mass, accompanied by abdominal distension and body thin.

Older women with the above abnormalities should choose a regular hospital for relevant examinations as soon as possible. Commonly seen in pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginitis, or endometritis, it may also be cervical, ovarian, or endometrial cancer.

3. Lower abdominal pain, back soreness

Often feel lower abdomen falling Pain, soreness in the lumbosacral region, and it always feels like something is falling. This may be the pelvic floor muscles. After getting older, elderly women’s pelvic floor tissue becomes less elastic, lacks support, and is prone to pelvic organ prolapse. This is a degenerative disease. The most important thing is to prevent it. You can do pelvic floor muscle exercises in your spare time, that is, to contract local organs multiple times to improve the strength of pelvic floor muscles.

Combining work and rest, not overwork and weight bearing, early treatment will increase Diseases of high abdominal pressure such as constipation and cough, etc., avoid exacerbation of pelvic organ prolapse. In addition to pelvic floor muscle exercises, pessary placement and electrical stimulation are required; surgery is also required if necessary.

4. Cold, numbness and pain in the lower extremities while walking

Older people often feel their legs and feet Chills, leg muscle pain, and unbearable pain after walking for a few minutes, should be highly suspected of lower extremity arteriosclerosis occlusion. Arterial plaque in the lower extremities can cause lumen stenosis or lumen occlusion, and the lower extremities cannot get enough blood supply, which can easily cause cold, weakness, numbness, and pain in the legs.

Almost every elderly person with lower extremity ischemia is accompanied by chronic diseases, including diabetes, high Blood pressure and coronary heart disease, etc., in this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s prescription, and if necessary, undergo minimally invasive surgery or bypass surgery.

5. There is a dark shadow in front of the eyes and it looks foggy

Elderly people I always feel that there is a shadow fluttering in front of my eyes or there is a layer of gauze covering my eyes. I should highly suspect floaters, cataracts, and vitreous hemorrhage. Without timely treatment, it may cause retinal detachment. eventually blinded. Once abnormal vision occurs, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. In severe cases, surgery is required to improve vision.

Message from the doctor

If you have the above symptoms, do not It is simply believed that it is caused by aging, but it may also be a disease. For the sake of safety, a regular hospital should be selected for a comprehensive examination to find out the cause and deal with it in a targeted manner, so as not to delay the best time for treatment.

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