These 4 types of “beautiful killers” are worthy of all women’s vigilance

When it comes to “cancer”

many people feel uncomfortable as if they will be infected when they hear it. Although this feeling is excessive, it is excusable

After all, one by one Painful cases

tell us all the time:

In the face of cancer

Life is too fragile

Behind the destruction of life and death

In addition to the limitations of medical level

There is a more important thing

Our lack of awareness of cancer

This time we will talk about the four major cancers


Breast Cancer

Although breast cancer is not just for women Men may also develop breast cancer, but the probability is only about 1%. It is more common in women and is one of the most common malignant tumors in women.

What causes breast cancer?

The etiology of breast cancer has not been determined, but the following high-risk factors are currently considered:

1, hereditary. Breast cancer rates are higher in those with a family history than those without a family history.

2. Obesity and unreasonable diet. People who eat pickled, smoked, baked products and high-fat diets for a long time not only have a high incidence of breast cancer, but also have a high incidence of gastrointestinal tumors.

3. Other influencing factors, such as long-term fatigue or long-term mental stress, excessive sadness and other negative emotions, late childbearing, infertility, never breastfeeding, etc.

4, Some studies suggest that long-term use of various forms of hormonal contraceptives is associated with a relatively increased risk of breast cancer. But for long-term dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, uterineFor women who are troubled by problems such as menopause and menopause, the benefits of using contraceptives far outweigh the risks.

Although the incidence of breast cancer is high, if detected early and treated in time, the cure rate is high and the prognosis is good.

Of course, the premise is that can be found in the early stage of breast cancer, so it is necessary to know the signs of breast cancer.

What are the signs of breast cancer?

Breast cancer has different manifestations according to different populations and different stages of disease.

The following four situations must be vigilant:

1. There is a lump in the breast, and the lump grows rapidly.

2. Nipple bleeding or unidentified discharge.

3. Orange peel-like degeneration of breast skin.

4. The originally raised nipples are retracted.

Breast Cancer Prevention Strategies

Here are suggested Women over the age of 40 with a family history of breast cancer or other high-risk factors must have regular physical examinations, including mammography or ultrasonography every 1-2 years.

Obesity is one of the risk factors for breast cancer. We should control body weight within the standard range, adhere to exercise and a reasonable diet.

In addition, it is necessary to give birth at an appropriate age, breastfeed, and maintain an optimistic state of mind.


Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is the most common gynecological The screening of common malignant tumors has received extensive attention, and it is currently a malignant tumor that can be detected, prevented and treated at an early stage.

What causes cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is a tumor with a clear etiology, mainly associated with persistent HPV infection.

Signs of cervical cancer

In the early stage of cervical cancer, there may be no symptoms, but there may also be bleeding during sex, abnormal leucorrhea, and blood.

Prevention strategies for cervical cancer

Due to HPV infection Related to sexual life, women may be infected with HPV virus within six months to one year of starting sexual life.

But don’t panic, most of the HPV will be naturally cleared by the body’s immunity, and only high-risk HPV infection can progress. for cervical cancer.

Measures to prevent cervical cancer

1. Avoid bad sexual behaviors such as starting sex too early, having multiple sexual partners or husbands Multiple sexual partners.

2. Factors to avoid cervical loss such as prolificacy.

3. Do not smoke. Smoking can reduce the body’s immunity and affect the clearance of HPV infection.

4. Regular screening, regardless of whether the HPV vaccine is vaccinated or not, all women who are sexually active should be regularly screened for cervical lesions. Remind the majority of female friends that the results of cervical cancer screening are time-sensitive, and it is best to bring the results of your previous examination when you go to the doctor to avoid repeated screening.


Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is a Gynecological tumors with a high degree of malignancy, because they are often found at an advanced stage, rank first in the mortality rate of gynecological cancers, and are truly the king of gynecological cancers.

What causes ovarian cancer?

Current clinical experience suggests that ovarian cancer is mostly related to heredity, and other factors are not yet clear.

People with a family history of ovarian cancer, fallopian tube cancer, peritoneal cancer, and breast cancer have a higher risk of ovarian cancer

Signs of ovarian cancer

Early ovarian cancer often has no symptoms, so early detection extremely difficult.

When symptoms such as abdominal distention and ascites appear, it is basically in the late stage.

How to prevent ovarian cancer?

There is no effective preventive method for people without genetic risk factors.

For women with a family history of ovarian cancer, fallopian tube cancer, peritoneal cancer, and breast cancer, screening for BRCA1/BRCA2 genes is recommended. If a gene mutation-positive person is found, it is recommended to perform preventive ovarian, fallopian tube, and mastectomy after the completion of childbirth as soon as possible.


Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors of the female reproductive system. In my country, the incidence of endometrial cancer is increasing year by year, and it is currently second only to cervical cancer.

What causes endometrial cancer?

The vast majority of endometrial cancers are estrogen-related and occur in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women.

The risk factors areThe following aspects:

1, The incidence of endometrial cancer is increased in patients with early menarche, late menopause, infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome, and ovarian endocrine tumors.

2. Physical factors include obesity, hypertension and diabetes, which is called the triad of endometrial cancer.

3. Genetic factors, including ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer, increase the risk of endometrial cancer.

Signs of endometrial cancer

Irregular You need to be more vigilant when you have vaginal bleeding, discharge, or “menstruation” again after menopause.

Endometrial Cancer Prevention Strategies

Intrauterine Cancer Membrane cancer has a long process, and if it can be detected in an early stage and effectively intervened, it can be killed in the cradle.

How to achieve early prevention? Because the cause of endometrial cancer is currently unknown, there is no definite way to prevent it.

It is recommended that women with high risk factors remember to be screened regularly, especially women with postmenopausal bleeding and menopausal menstrual disorders, should pay attention to screening and exclusion.






The Confidante Killer is scary, but don’t panic. With the advancement of medical technology, more and more malignant tumors gradually become docile.

The therapeutic effect and survival time of cancer are closely related to the time of discovery. In order to achieve better therapeutic effect, the best way is to prevent, detect and diagnose early.