These 4 kinds of food can be called “accomplices” of cerebral infarction, try to avoid them! These three performances need attention

Cerebral infarction is a cerebral infarction, which is caused by the blockage of blood vessels in the brain and insufficient blood supply and oxygen supply to the brain tissue. This disease used to occur in middle-aged and elderly people, but in recent years, more and more young people suffer from it.

The onset of cerebral infarction is very dangerous. If it is not treated in time, it will easily endanger the patient’s life. Taking preventive measures against cerebral infarction is very important.

The occurrence of cerebral infarction is related to many factors. Among them, improper diet is one of the important factors that induce cerebral infarction. Therefore, to prevent cerebral infarction, we must adjust the diet.

For example, the following foods can be called “accomplices” of cerebral infarction and should be avoided as much as possible !

1. Fried food

Fried chicken, french fries and other foods are crispy and delicious, very delicious, but from a health point of view, try to Eat less of these foods.

After the food is fried, the nutrient content is lost in large amounts, and the food contains a lot of lipid and cholesterol, it is easy to cause Obesity and three highs, over time, will affect the normal flow of blood, form arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and finally induce the occurrence of cerebral infarction.

2. High salt food

Do Salt is an essential seasoning when cooking, and salt is also an essential substance for the human body. However, the intake of salt should be restrained. WHO recommends that people consume no more than 5 grams of salt a day. Excessive intake of salt can induce hypertension, and high blood pressure is the cause of cerebral infarction. one of the risk factors.

If you want healthy blood vessels, you should pay attention to a light diet, reduce salt intake, and try to eat less preserved food, which contains a lot of >Nitrite can lead to blood viscosity, hardening of blood vessels, and increase the risk of cerebral infarction.

3. Sweets

Sweets can stimulate The taste buds allow people to obtain a richer taste experience. However, if the intake of sweets is too much, it will affect the health of blood vessels.

Sweet foods contain a lot of sugar, too much sugar can lead to blood sugar, and the excess sugar can be converted into fat for storage In the body, causing obesity and high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and over time, can also increase the risk of cerebral infarction.

4. Tobacco and alcohol

In cigarettes Contains nicotine and other harmful ingredients, which can produce nitrogen compounds, resulting in vascular sclerosis, damage to the intima, and platelet coagulation easily , and form plaques. Once the plaques fall off and enter the cerebral blood vessels, cerebral infarction will be induced.

Alcohol can not only damage the health of the liver and stomach, but also induce cerebral infarction. This is because alcohol can cause blood viscosity, increase blood pressure, and harden blood vessels, all of which promote the formation of cerebral infarction.

So, what are the signs before cerebral infarction?

1. Dizziness, headache

If you often have symptoms of dizziness, headache recently, or even accompanied by >Nausea and vomiting, be careful of cerebral blood vessel blockage and seek medical attention in time.

2. Decreased vision

Sudden appearance of blurred vision, vision loss, or amaurosis and other symptoms, but it can recover spontaneously in a short period of time. Be careful of the occurrence of cerebral infarction.

3. Frequent yawning

Cerebral blood vessel blockage and hypoxia in brain tissue can cause frequent yawning, lethargy and other symptoms. If you have enough sleep and still have the above symptoms, you should pay attention.

All in allIf you want to have healthy blood vessels, you must adjust your eating habits in life, avoid eating the above-mentioned foods, and develop healthy living habits, ensure regular work and rest, and exercise more. You can do this, which can greatly reduce the risk of cerebral infarction. .

In addition, everyone should pay more attention to physical discomfort in life. If you have frequent dizziness, headache and other symptoms of cerebral infarction recently, you should actively seek medical treatment without delay.