There is no problem with gastroscopy, but still abdominal distension and abdominal pain indigestion? These four points may help you

Indigestion can be divided into organic indigestion and functional indigestion according to the cause.

Organic dyspepsia refers to the abnormality of human anatomy and biochemistry caused by diseases such as liver and gallbladder diseases, tumors and diabetes. caused indigestion.

Functional dyspepsia is more common in clinical practice, that is, excluding organic diseases. No abnormality was found under gastroscopy and other examinations, but symptoms of indigestion appeared.

Such as postprandial fullness, belching, acid reflux, heartburn, decreased appetite, intermittent pain in the upper abdomen, etc., sometimes after eating spicy and stimulating food , there may also be increased stool frequency and loose stools.

Currently, it is believed that functional dyspepsia is closely related to dietary stimulation, high organ sensitivity, Helicobacter pylori infection, and mental and psychological factors. Effective medicine, taking medicine can only relieve symptoms, so it is more necessary to strengthen daily attention.

Note 1: Helicobacter pylori detection

Data shows that more than 50% of people worldwide have Helicobacter pylori infection, but contrary to this, many people do not know they have an infection, and this infection can be Transmission occurs in the population, so regular inspection and treatment are necessary.

The most common way to check for Helicobacter pylori infection is the carbon-13 urea breath test. This test requires an empty stomach, so it is usually done in the morning.

During the examination, you need to blow air into a reagent bag, then swallow a capsule (carbon 13 urea reagent) with a sip of water, sit still Blow another reagent bag 30 minutes later.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, you can get the inspection result. If the test result is positive, timely treatment and re-examination are required.

For more information on Helicobacter pylori inspection, click the blue word to view → More than 80% of gastric cancers are related to Helicobacter pylori infection! How do I know if I am infected?

In addition, if the postprandial fullness is further aggravated, accompanied by weight loss, anemia, dysphagia, etc. , it is recommended to do gastroscopy in time to check whether functional dyspepsia has changed to organic dyspepsia.

Note 2: Daily Diet

Patients with functional dyspepsia should pay attention to avoid spicy, cold, coffee, strong tea and other irritating foods, especially not to mix hot and cold.

At the same time, the intake of sweets, greasy and carbonated beverages should also be avoided to avoid aggravating the symptoms of acid reflux.

It is recommended to eat three meals a day on a regular basis, and one meal should be 70% full, and do not eat too much. Since there is a certain process of digestion and absorption of food in the stomach, a certain rest time is required between meals.

You can also take some probiotics in moderation, or drink some yogurt to help relieve symptoms.

Note 3: Moderate exercise

For patients with functional dyspepsia, it is possible to choose most of the exercise methods such as jogging, walking, going to the gym, or doing some exercise indoors. Duan Jin, Tai Chi, etc. are also possible.

The key is to exercise in moderation, within the limits of what you can tolerate. At the same time, exercise persist, such as running 2-3 times a week.

Note Four: Abdominal Massage

Abdominal massage is very helpful for patients with functional dyspepsia. It can directly act on the abdomen to help relieve stomach problems such as bloating and belching. It is recommended to massage 1-2 times a day. Second-rate.

Abdominal massage should be performed clockwise with the navel as the center, and the massage should have a certain strength. strong>It is advisable to lie on your back, which can fully relax the abdomen, and the effect is better.

Especially for some patients with constipation, clockwise massage in a large circle of the abdomen along the direction of the intestines can also promote defecation.

Click the link to learn more about it →Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Nursing for Functional Dyspepsia-Medical Microvision< br/>

Reference: Medical Microvision Official Website – Chief Nurse Huang Yanping “Nursing of Functional Dyspepsia with Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine”< /span>