There is human-to-human transmission, and many countries report monkeypox cases! Experts remind

Recently, many countries have reported monkeypox cases one after anotherWHO issues latest alerthuman-to-human transmission of monkeypox virus >

12 non-monkeypox endemic countries have reported cases

The World Health Organization issued a monkeypox outbreak warning on the 21st, given the current situation Cases have been identified in several countries where monkeypox virus is not endemic, and it is possible that more cases will be detected in these and other countries in the future, where monkeypox virus will spread further. Data show that since May 13, 92 confirmed cases of monkeypox virus have been reported in 12 countries in three WHO regional offices cases and 28 suspected cases, with no deaths so far. Among them, confirmed and suspected cases are mainly from the United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal, and the rest are distributed in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United States. WHO said the cases had no clear travel history to monkeypox endemic areas and were found primarily, but not exclusively, in men who have sex with men. Evidence suggests that the highest risk of infection is in people who have had close physical contact with monkeypox patients after they develop symptoms.

electron microscope image of mature monkeypox virus (left) and immature virions (right) span>British health officials said on May 22 that new cases of monkeypox virus infection were reported in the UK every day, and the virus was not related to travel to West Africa. Monkeypox virus has established community transmission in the UK.

The New York Post reported that US President Biden reported cases of monkeypox in many countries around the world for the first time on the 22nd. In a public statement, he said that the situation deserves attention, and “what is worrying is that if the virus spreads, there will be serious consequences.”

smallpox “relative” span>Patients with mild fever and pustules

Huachen Zhu, an associate professor at the School of Public Health of the University of Hong Kong, introduced that monkeypox is a relatively rare infectious disease, compared with smallpox Close, it can be said that the two are close relatives.

In terms of symptoms, they have a lot in common, for example, the infected person will have fever, chills, There are also symptoms such as headache, muscle pain, and body aches, as well as fatigue, and some infected people may have symptoms of coughing.

The most obvious symptom is a rash that spreads from the face to all parts of the body, and some red rashes are densely distributed on the limbs, It will then experience suppuration, and eventually the scab will fall off.

The most likely route of transmission of monkeypox virus is through close contact. The common pox virus is a self-limiting virus, that is, it does not continue to infect endlessly, and usually the infected person will recover on its own after a few weeks. Although there is a certain fatality rate after infection, like monkeypox virus, its fatality rate is generally between 1% and 10%, which is not particularly high.

WHO predicts more cases of monkeypox globallyWHO bulletin shows, The incubation period for monkeypox is usually 6 to 13 days, but may be 5 to 21 days. WHO predicts a further increase in monkeypox cases globally. Monkeypox is mainly endemic in West and Central Africa, with the first monkeypox outbreak outside the African continent in the United States in 2003. Since 2018, Israel, the United Kingdom, Singapore and other countries have found monkeypox virus infections among travelers from Nigeria. WHO states: “Current information indicates that human-to-human transmission is occurring among people who have had close physical contact with symptomatic cases.”< /strong>WHO official David Heyman said an international committee of experts had held a video conference to discuss how to respond to the monkeypox outbreak, includingWhether there are asymptomatic infected persons, which groups are at high risk of infection, and the different transmission routes of monkeypox virus, etc. In general, human-to-human transmission of monkeypox virus is uncommon. The route of human-to-human transmission includes close contact with the respiratory secretions, skin lesions or contaminated objects of infected persons, etc. It usually takes longer face-to-face to transmit respiratory droplets. In addition, mother-to-child transmission of monkeypox virus may occur through the placenta or through close contact during labor. According to Heyman, the idea that monkeypox has spread in non-endemic countries “makes biological sense”, but due to the coronavirus lockdowns , social distancing, travel restrictions and other measures, there has been no large-scale outbreak of monkeypox. The initial symptoms of monkeypox infection in humans include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, and swollen lymph nodes, which can later develop into a widespread rash on the face and body. Most infected people recover within a few weeks, but others become seriously ill and even die. WHO data shows that the smallpox vaccine is 85% effective against monkeypox virus.

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