There is a severe pain called “oral ulcer”: only vitamin supplements will not work, these drugs are more reliable

as long as it’s not gone

as long as you’re alive

You will definitely feel its thorn-like existence

Good mouth, why do ulcers occur?

It can be roughly divided into two situations

The first is our own immune response Hyperactivity

means immune cells can’t sit still

as soon as they see germs p>

Whether the other party is a threat or not

I want to go up and fight

As long as it is the place where the immune cells have fought

inflammation will be left behind

< p>Causes ulcers

The second case is

The mouth is too dirty and the bacteria are too dirty Multiple

the protection of oral mucosa is useless

immune cells cannot sit idly by

Have to “fight”

When oral ulcers occur, How to do?

mouth ulcers are different from acne

ulcers The central white part is not pus

it is called “pseudomembrane”

It is a reparative layer of oral mucosa


directly exposes the surface of the mouth ulcer

can cause the ulcer to bleed< /span>

Delayed healing

actually< /span>

We can use scientific interventions

to make the pathogenesis of oral ulcers better

The correct way to deal with oral ulcers


learn to judgeUlcer Type

if you belong to Mild ulcers

Just after meals< /strong>Rinse with saline

to prevent bacterial residues

If you belong Severe ulcers

Can use0.02% chlorhexidine solution Mouthwash

Can play an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect

Both 2 Minutesspit out

also< /span>

You can blot the affected area with paper

and use1% concentration The iodine glycerinapplied to the affected area

can be antibacterial and anti-inflammatory

can also Protect the ulcer surface and reduce pain

If the pain is too painful< /p>

can be under clinical guidance

smearcompound benzocaine gel

Can play analgesic and pain-relieving effect

In addition to local treatment

Severely ill

also require oralanti-inflammatory drugsandimmunomodulatorsto treat

How to prevent recurring ulcers?

1. Supplement these nutrients

Research proves

< span>People who are deficient in vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12

and vitamin C

have a higher chance of ulcers< /span>


You can usually add more vitamin-rich fruits

eg orange, kiwi

except vitamins

< p>Zinc, selenium, copper, calcium and trace elements are also indispensable

We get milk, eggs, whole wheat bread,

Get it from beef, chicken, celery, sprouts, etc.

< strong>2. Change living habits

Many young people develop ulcers

mostly Staying up late for a while

or before each big exam

Some habits in daily life

Unconsciously make us immune imbalances

Make ulcers more likely to occur

< p>For example, staying up late, being under high pressure for a long time,

abusing antibiotics, not loving sports, etc.

Recurrent mouth ulcers

It’s really annoying

If someone around you is troubled by this

Please share the article with them!


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