There is a “peculiar smell” in the private parts, can washing be healthier?

I believe many women will feel that span>

There is often a special smell in the private parts

Sometimes it is the bloody smell of my auntie

Sometimes there will be an odor similar to fishy smell

Especially in summer, it is also mixed with the smell of sweat

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01Why does my private parts smell bad?

A smell ≠ a gynecological disease!

For some women during ovulation, the amount of leucorrhea will increase and become the same texture as egg white. At this time, there will be a slight sour taste. , which is normal.

However, if you have the following odors, you should be wary of gynecological diseases =”content_title” height=”300″ layout=”responsive” sizes=”(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw” src=””3kHuZ5x/LWa1oTfgyia74KZ5x 600″>

fishy smell

vaginal secretions are The fishy smell is mainly caused by vaginitis caused by anaerobic infection or trichomonas infection, and vaginitis caused by Haemophilus vaginalis infection will also have a fishy smell.

fishy smell

Vaginitis caused by Haemophilus vaginalis, other Both types of vaginitis have a fishy smell, along with vaginal itching and pain, as well as symptoms such as burning.

●  bad smell

When the leucorrhea has a bad smell, the general situation is The following are caused by severe infection or gynecological tumor diseases, the most common diseases are endometritis and severe cervicitis and gynecological tumor diseases.


There is a peculiar smell in the private parts. Can washing be healthier?

Capital “NO”!

The private parts are not absolutely sterile. Under normal circumstances, female vaginal microbes are dominated by Lactobacillus bacteria. Frequent rinsing of the vagina can easily destroy the balance of vaginal flora and cause some inflammation, which makes the vaginal environment with its own cleaning ability fragile.

Many vaginal washes currently on the market are alkaline, which will affect the pH of the vagina. Some cleaning solutions contain some chemical products, which may cause skin allergies. So you don’t want to wash your private parts, you can wash them casually.


How to properly protect private parts?

1. Pay attention to private hygiene< /span>

You can use warm water to clean the vulva, especially before and after sex, during menstrual holidays, and when there is a lot of secretions. Be careful to avoid shower gels and soaps, especially various lotions to clean the vagina.

2. Proper use of sanitary napkins and pads p>

Change sanitary napkins frequently during menstruation

3. Choose suitable underwear< /span>

Choose pure cotton and breathable underwear, and wash and dry clothes that are close to your body frequently.

4. Pay attention to sexual hygiene

Both men and women need to wash their genitals before and after sex to avoid bacterial residues.



Whether it is a boy or a girl, the cleaning of private parts is very important, especially for girls, who have a menstrual period every month and need to pay more attention, but Don’t over-clean either. If there is an abnormal odor, do not neglect it, you should go to the hospital in time, so that the problem can be found in time, so that timely and effective treatment can be taken to control the condition.

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