There is a patient who lived in the intensive care unit three years ago. Who is the family member and the patient who benefited?

There was a patient who impressed Dr. Li in the Department of Anesthesiology. So that, after many years, everything at that time can be clearly restored.

This is an aortic valve replacement procedure. Before the surgery, everyone was well prepared. However, the accident happened: after the operation, the patient remained awake.

After various examinations and multidisciplinary consultation, the diagnosis of massive cerebral infarction was unanimously agreed.

Because of the recent major surgery, the anticoagulation plan was rejected immediately.

If multiple blood vessels have problems at the same time, thrombectomy is not realistic. There is no way to send the patient to the intensive care unit after communicating with the family.

Not only the family members, but also the doctors were expecting a miracle when they were sent to the intensive care unit.

It’s called a “miracle” because it seems impossible to all doctors. Just because the family members have money, the sentence “we have money, continue to rescue”.

In such a situation, the doctor has no reason to refuse. In China, they are all persuaded to live, but they are not persuaded.

Just like that, the patient lives. In the beginning, everyone watched the progress of the patient every three days. By the end of the day, almost everyone had forgotten about the patient. Even the family members were nowhere to be seen.

A few months later, the family found a group of people for the hospital to explain.

Although the cause of the accident is clear, the family still suspects that something is wrong.

Hearing this news, the departments of surgery, anesthesia, nursing and other disciplines involved in this operation were very angry. This is because the family members agreed to perform the operation on him after weighing the pros and cons.

At the time, the patient was in bed. After being in bed for a long time, the lower limbs have obvious blood clots, but they have not fallen off. If it falls, there will be problems where and where it gets stuck.

In addition, hypostatic pneumonia and the degeneration of various organ functions caused by long-term bed rest are all manifested.

For surgery, in addition to considering whether the heart function can adapt to such a major operation, factors such as thrombosis, bleeding, and incision healing are more important.

However, it is not so simple for the anesthesiology department: after Dr. Li received the information about this operation, his head was big.

Having seen the patient’s various examinations, Dr. Li has a wealth of clinical experience, but he can’t help but back down – the risk is too great!

However, family members are amazing. Just when everyone was discussing whether this operation should be done or not, the family found a hospital leader to intercede. Moreover, it is also guaranteed that if something goes wrong, there will be no trouble with the hospital and doctor.

At this point, there is no way out.

At the suggestion of Dr. Li, everyone began to actively prepare for the surgery.

The thrombus in the lower extremity cannot be ignored, so a net is placed in the vena cava before surgery. Once the thrombus is dislodged, there is also a chance to catch it.

To improve the patient’s lung function, instruct the patient to blow a balloon every day.

But the effect of this process is not good, because the patient has long-term high blood pressure, not only the heart valve and large and small blood vessels have problems, but also the cerebral blood vessels.

And just like that, with preparations that could never have been better, the surgery began.

However, anomalies were discovered intraoperatively.

The main job of the Department of Anesthesiology is to implement anesthesia on the one hand, and to ensure the safety of patients during surgery on the other hand.

Just after the valve was replaced, Dr. Li found that the patient’s cerebral oxygen monitoring was abnormal. Although there is no other evidence, there is only one possibility for this situation: the patient has a cerebral infarction!

Imaging should be done as soon as the surgery is done expeditiously. As a result, a large area of ​​cerebral infarction.

As mentioned earlier, although no one wants to see such a result, the patient can only be sent to the intensive care unit.

At this point, the family backtracked and said that the hospital had induced them, and they agreedsurgery. If you can’t wake up, you can’t rule out the use of too much anesthesia. Even the nurses were not spared: family members believed that the nurses’ carts were walking too slowly, leading to hypoxia on the way to the intensive care unit.

Faced with this kind of rhetoric, everyone’s hearts are chilled. But the patient is still in the hospital and can only continue to treat with all his heart.

In this way, the time has dragged on for three years.

Some people say, is the family so rich?

I do have money. I heard that he is a retired cadre.

Seeing such a nearly hopeless treatment, people really don’t know what to say. The current situation does not allow the doctor to make a decision; the family members do not express their position.

Some people say that such a serious illness will not last long, right?

This is wrong. Human vitality is actually very tenacious. The biggest advantage of the intensive care unit is that it has a life support system.

However, this support is undoubtedly a huge waste of medical resources.

So, does it benefit the patient or his family?

No, not at all.

As far as the patient is concerned, he is already unconscious and does not experience the joy of life at all. Some of the only feelings may be just the pain of various intubations on the body.

For family members, it may only mean that they have done their best, and then feel at ease.

[Warm reminder] Please pay attention, here are a lot of professional medical science, to reveal the secrets of surgical anesthesia for you~